I'd seen this book mentioned online last year. Liz read it and thought I'd like it. She thought [as I did] it would be a Marie Kondo/ minimalism approach. "Reduce to a capsule wardrobe and all will be hunky-dory." We were both very wrong.
Grant's subtitle is "Stop buying so much rubbish: how having fewer, better things can make us happier."
This guy is so much more than the genial judge on the GBSewingBee.
Having messed around in his final year at school[spending his time and money on the latest fashions] he spent a gap year working in a factory, then studied engineering at Uni, worked for some prestigious companies - then bought a tailoring business in Savile Row and applied himself to making better clothes. Now he runs a 'proper' clothes manufacturing company based in Blackburn. This book sums up his whole approach to life, and using autobiographical anecdotes, historical facts, statistics and scientific data, he shows us why he believes we need to rethink our attitude to possessions.
I absolutely loved this book, and was in total agreement about so much of what he says. It has already made an impact on me
There are four sections - Want, Quality, Work, and Less.
He begins with history, when life revolved round the land and agriculture. Farmers grew crops and tended livestock which provided food and clothing. People lived with few possessions, but generally ate healthy food, and appreciated the nature around them.
Then came the industrial revolution - people flocked to the cities and worked in factories and mills, making more goods, faster and cheaper than before. The owners got rich but the workers were low paid, on poor diets, living in cramped insanitary conditions. Then came the age of consumerism, when the men [yes, mostly men] at the top still made their wealth on the backs of the poor workers - and promoted the idea of 'wanting more', dissatisfaction with having less, or having old stuff. Stuff was made just to be sold at a profit. It didn't matter if the goods were shoddy, the food was cheap and not nutritious - what mattered was that people wanted to buy it and it could therefore be sold at a profit.
Grant argues that for centuries, there were great craftsmen out there- shoemakers in Northampton, silk weavers in Macclesfield, laceworkers in Stratford and ribbon makers in Coventry, and their wares were worn by men and women all over the country. But in the last 100 years so many of these skills have been lost, and companies closed.
Cheap imports are brought in from the Far East and 3rd world. Why buy a well made dress which will last you for years when you can get one from Shein for the price of "a coffee and cake" It will satisfy your desire for 'up to the minute fashion' but it will fall apart quickly as the fad passes, its fabric lasting forever, refusing to rot down. Patrick points out the many many reasons for 'buy once, buy well' - buy local [better for the planet, fewer airmiles, improves the local economy] buy fairtrade [the workers are properly paid, working in a safe environment] you can buy natural materials [less plastics] buy something to love, to repair, to make it last [not consign to landfill] He does acknowledge there is a cost to this. Many people are caught in the Vimes Boots trap, lack of immediate resources mean they are forced to buy cheaply, over and over and over again.
This man definitely practises what he preaches - going to Blackburn, a "post industrial town". to set up "Community Clothing" - making clothes that are "good for people and good for the planet". At the start of the pandemic, his factory made quality scrubs for the NHS - most hospitals have very efficient laundry facilities. Then the government decided to invest heavily in disposable garments, a high proportion of which went straight from China to landfill. Check out the CC website for a fuller picture of how his company works and the ethos behind it [eco, ZeroWaste, recycling etc]. Liz has a CC shirt. It's gorgeous, well made, and will last her for years. Grant is not looking to become a multimillionaire, he wants to provide jobs, a sense of self-worth, and pride in achievement for people in what was a very depressed area of high unemployment. In the 'work' section he talks about the benefits of creating something. whether to provide income, or just for pleasure. He actually references Men's Sheds as a brilliant example of a movement which gives purpose,companionship, and proven benefits to mental health.
There plenty of anecdotes about Sewing Bee - but above all he speaks of his gratitude - that the show has helped revive 'home sewing' in the UK [and saved haberdashery shops from closure] and for the fact it has enabled him personally to find a wider platform to speak public about these issues so close to his heart. [He is coming to Norwich in September, I have my ticket already!] The book ends
"Having less but better would be a path to a healthier, more equal society, a source of hope for a better future for the many people of all ages living in what we call our post-industrial communities. Living with fewer , better things is an act of goodness and kindness to people and the planet, and it would make us all happier."
I definitely rate this one *****do read it if you can!
Thanks for sharing Angela. You did a thorough job with your review, so much so you’ve inspired me to see if I can order a copy from our library.
ReplyDeleteI also loved your Newsround post and I’m sorry to read of the pants scam 🙁🩷
I read it online through the Libby app . Its free, it works through the library service, I'd recommend it. But there was a three week wait.
DeleteI’ve actually managed to order the physical book which is brill and I don’t mind the wait xx
DeleteShould have added a physical copy from our local library xx
DeleteI hope you do not have to wait too long
DeleteThat sounds like a very good read. I shall hop over to the library website.
ReplyDeleteSee my comment to Sandra!
DeleteI've downloaded a sample; I really must investigate the lobby app (adding it to the to-do list)
ReplyDeleteLibby not Lobby!
DeleteAuto correct! It corrected jpegs and pngs to pegs and pigs today. Made nonsense of my message re photograph formats!
DeleteYes, this was an inspiring read (well I listened on Borrow Box) and I wished that it could have been written and acted upon forty years ago. Think how different the world could have been.
ReplyDeleteYes indeed
DeleteI’ve been dithering about this book since publication but you have now made my mind up to seek it out. I’m in the library tomorrow for book group so shall have a look then to see if it’s available online/hard copy. Thank you for the inspiration. Catriona
ReplyDeleteIt is a good read
DeleteSaw him at my little local book festival a couple of summers ago and he really is genuinely a nice bloke. Very funny too. He was scathing about the fast fashion outlets and quite rightly so.
ReplyDeleteThat's good to read! He has strong Scottish connections
DeleteYes, the Grants are well known aristocrats oop North (Memoirs of a Highland Lady).
DeleteIt is a great book and so much sense spoken. I really think he is a champion. I have a wool coat I bought 36 years ago, very expensive, beautifully cut and made and it is still looking great and is the warmest coat I have ever owned. In fact a lot of my clothes are over 10 years old and are still going strong. A great post once again, thank you. Regards Sue H
ReplyDeleteMy Burberry raincoat was bought for my MIL in 1983 - and it comes back from the dry cleaners looking like new. It is definitely an incentive to me not to put on to much weight!
DeleteIt does sound like a very interesting read. I grew up wearing clothes my mother sewed for me and she continued to sew my clothes until I was in my early 30s. I still sew some of my clothes, but, lately, I've been wearing items my cousins decluttered from their closets. It works well for me because I hate to shop for clothes. I really haven't bought any clothes in the last 5 years, other than 4 pairs of sweatpants and sweatshirts (the previous ones were old and tearing, although I mended some of the tears) and some underwear and socks. I did order a new pair of shoes, at the end of January - had to get them before the tariffs went into effect and raised the price!
ReplyDeleteThe plum coloured sweatshirt on the cover of the book dates from the 1980s and Patricks Gran bought it for him in a charity shop many years ago! Pres. Trump's new tariffs will prove a challenge to many I am afraid
DeleteHow interesting. I've always thought that there was more to him than we saw on the programme. I am a firm believer in buying the best I can afford, maybe only once a year, and then looking after the clothing so it goes on for years and years and....... !
ReplyDeleteI've met you - so I know you have a great sense of style, and your classic choices will always be in fashion!
DeleteThank you Ang. x
DeleteI did start this book but Christmas etc intervened so it was time for it to be returned to the library.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed the first few chapters very much, I shall go back on the library waiting list. He is an interesting man with good ideas and principles.
Oh do finish it, I think it gets better as it goes on!
DeleteI'm glad that you've given this book such a brilliant review as I have it on my 'to be read' pile at the moment, now you've inspired me to pull it closer to the top. I love his attitude, and living with fewer but better things is exactly what I am aspiring to do at the moment.
ReplyDeleteIt will certainly chime with your attitudes Sue
DeleteI'll look for the book in our library, but I did hear him on Desert Island Discs a while ago. Fascinating bloke. Xx
ReplyDeleteI missed his DID I must check out BBC Sounds. He IS an interesting chap isn't he?
DeleteI have requested that our library buy the book too. Thanks for all the interesting posts you write about. Jane
ReplyDeleteThank you Jane , and well done for being proactive with the library request
DeleteThat sounds like a great book. It bothers me that so much cheap clothing is purchased and then abandoned to the landfill. It is a far bigger problem than something like plastic straws. I have hung onto well made items and even remade some if the fabric was good enough. But I think my nearly 15 year old winter jacket seems thinner than when I bought it, and I will need to replace it, or perhaps continue to use a cloth jacket underneath it.
ReplyDeleteCould you line it?
DeleteThat sounds like a really good read. He's always struck me as having plenty of substance when I've seen him on the Sewing Bee, and it's good that it's showing here. Thank you for recommending the book.
DeleteWhat an interesting and genuine individual. I am inspired to read his book after your review. Thank you, Angela.
ReplyDeleteThe book sounds fascinating, I don't expect it to be in my library (New Zealand) but will go in hope. One thing that helps my every day clothes is the humble apron. Regards Fiona.
ReplyDeleteYou never know!
DeleteI'm glad that the Sewing Bee has more people sewing and saved some haberdashery shops there. Our only shop left is part of a chain that has just declared bankruptcy. This book sounds very interesting.
ReplyDeleteIt is a fascinating book. Sorry your hab'y shops are closing
DeleteI still have my Burberry raincoat from 1981--a bit snug. :)
ReplyDeleteGrant's book isn't available at my library in US (or on Libby or Hoopla--my library apps over here). Coming over the Pond next month so might pick it up while I'm there (and plan to pick up some sloggis, too, as my M&S knickers could do with replacement though they've had good innings).
Too bad I'll be in Norwich in April and not in September as I'm sure his event will be very interesting. Glad you have your ticket already.
Norwich will be lovely in April, even without Patrick!
DeleteThat sounds brilliant!!
ReplyDeleteWell written, and an easy read