Saturday, 8 February 2025

Let It Snow!

Here is my CoverStory sampler for January. I was inspired by my Christmas jumper, as I finally got round to altering the neckline  I thought it would be good to do some sort of snowscene. Over Christmas I saw [somewhere, can't find it now] a picture of a fabric collage of a snow scene using lengths of lace to give texture to the snow. I thought I'd do something similar.
I chose various bits of old lace for the background, including a very wavy edged piece for the upper slopes, and a more geometric design for the path along the bottom. I went for a blue sky with appliqued sun and lacy cloud - and I added white felt fleecy tops for the mountains and a felt snowman. Then I embroidered fir trees, a cottage and some people having fun in the snow.

My attempts at changing the contrast so you can see the lace have left a strange yellow streak down the panel.[It's a shadow on the original photo, it isn't on the fabric]
We have not really had much snow round here this winter. But the grandchildren in Manchester built a snowman on 5th January. George said his name is Steven the Snowman.
I am awaiting the arrival of Kirsten's stitching in the post. We're just over half way through this project. 3 more panels and then three months of finishing off and making up...


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