Saturday, 15 February 2025

Sow, Sow, Quick, Quick, Sow*


On Thursday I went full on Good Life- donning my best Felicity Kendall dungarees and purple gardening clogs [and thermals underneath as it was freezing outside] and did some Serious Gardening
I've planted lots of seeds, now on the kitchen windowsill, and repotted a few bits and pieces. I trimmed the geraniums in the mini greenhouse, all 3 seem to have survived the winter 
and two of the cuttings I took 
before Christmas have flourished and are now in larger pots on the bathroom sill. 
I put a large bucket over the rhubarb. It is currently looking rather pathetic, but maybe this will force some sweet pink stems...
The two troughs of bulbs by the oil tank are showing green shoots. And I've tidied up my herbs.
I was given a few snowdrop plants on Tuesday, I've planted them in a circle round the pear tree. I hope they will flourish there in the grass. These came from next door - the property has been empty for well over a year. The sale should have gone through this weekend. My neighbour's daughter came to visit for one last time, and borrowed a trowel to do a bit of gardening - she returned the trowel with the snowdrops.
And after all my gardening activities, Bob kindly cooked lunch - then we popped over to Foulsham, to hang a banner outside the chapel. Lent is fast approaching!
*older readers, who can remember a time before "Strictly" may recall Victor Sylvester, who came on TV and taught us to dance the foxtrot, and his catchphrase was slow, slow, quick, quick, slow...


  1. I'm still clearing from last year! won't be sowing seeds for a few more weeks as it gets too complicated when nights can still be really cold.

  2. I remember Victor Sylvester ho hum! Snowdrops do well in a lawn, they seem to like the grass. Regards Sue H

  3. Sounds like a busy morning of gardening and sowing. Your garden is going to look wonderful come spring. :)

  4. I hope you get some yummy rhubarb. Mine looks very dead at the mo!


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