Tuesday, 18 February 2025

On Monday We Went To Paddington


There's a new guy in the city, sitting in the sunshine outside the Cathedral . Nicky suggested I should go for a photo-op, and so Rosie came with me.

There were a dozen or more people ahead of us in the queue. Some with fancy cameras. Others [like us] with pre-prepared snacks. 

But everything moved very smoothly, and we didn't have to wait long

The sun was bright and the sky was so blue,,,[the weather was still a bit chilly] The lady behind us kindly took a photo of us both, I offered her my sandwich in exchange for this. Her little girl declined, but the family behind were pleased to have a photo 'prop' as they'd forgotten to bring a sandwich. Rosie happily ate her sandwich on the way back to the car!

Half term is proving great fun thus far, more stories to follow.


  1. I am so jealous! You actually sat next to Paddington! Trust the sandwich was marmalade.

  2. Oh, that's a great picture of you and Rosie with Paddington Bear!

  3. Me too, quite jealous. I loved the Paddington Bear stories as a child. Margaret from New Zealand

  4. Brilliant photo on a stunning day. I’m envious of your sunshine-we’re still drench up here! Catriona

  5. That is a great photo. Such blue sky, it is wonderful weather here in East Sussex, very cold but stunning sunshine, yay, just right for half term. Regards Sue H

  6. Lovely photo of you and Rosie and Paddington if course. The sunshine adds to the pic.

  7. What a brilliant little free half term activity, the sort of thing that memories are made of. Marmalade sandwiches with Paddington, you are now in the same club as our late great Queen. xx

    1. So well organised, and lots of happy families making memories [and as you say, it was FREE]

  8. What a brilliant outing; has Rosie watched the Queen and Paddington? So lucky with the weather too.

    1. She has watched it. We passed the statue of Thomas Browne, famous Norfolk polymath, in the city centre. "Is that Shakespeare?" "No its Thomas Browne" "Was he from the family Paddington lived with?"

  9. What a fabulous photo of you both. Iris and I spent yesterday at the Mansfield MacArthur Gen outlet getting her new pj's and measured for school shoes. She has gone up to a 1 G-H, and fortunately we found a pair she liked and massively reduced from £45 to £28. Mummy was very pleased. I treated her to lunch in Pizza Express and as it was half-term, hers was free. So a good day out. Xx

    1. Don't the girls grow up fast? Well done on the shoe bargain. And lunch with Grandma is always a special treat [for both parties]

  10. Lovely pic of you both. Hope you enjoyed the marmalade sandwiches. My sister loves Paddington.

  11. That's a cute photo of you and Rosie. I couldn't help remembering the lovely video of the Queen with Paddington, and how she shared that she kept a sandwich in her handbag!

    1. Yes, the people in the queue were all talking about that

  12. That statue is awesome! What a great adventure for half term.

  13. I’m so glad to see this! Just the photo I had imagined. Thank you, Ang. Nicky K

    1. We aim to please! It was just round the corner from where you and I had coffee&cake

  14. Lovely photo of you and Rosie enjoying your sandwich with Paddington.


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