Don't you just love the Roger Hargreaves characters? I was queuing in Borders today behind a child who'd just discovered a new Mr Men book she had not read, and was asking her Mum [extremely politely] if she could spend her birthday money on it, please?
Most of this week I have felt like Little Miss Busy - but tonight I am tending towards being Mr Grumpy. It is probably a good thing that Bob is planning a family service about Anger on Sunday!
I was trying to do the final preparations for a Seminar I am leading, and realised our flip chart easel was at the Church. Bob kindly fetched it home for me.
It is a very good easel [well, it was, once] but some kind souls have written all over the drywipe surface with indelible pens. It seems to be irrevocably stained now - and we have tried every solvent known to man or woman but to no avail. It still functions as an easel for a flip chart pad - but can no longer be used as a drywipe board. Some of the writing appears to have had some purpose - but "Hello!" and the black star, and the big pink blob are just mindless, pointless graffiti.
I know it is only 'stuff' and that people are more important than possessions. I know that if I am happy [and 99% of the time I am] to share my possessions with others, particularly when it is for use in the Lord's Work, I mustn't be upset if things occasionally get damaged. I know that tonight I am incredibly tired after a long and emotionally draining week, and I am therefore over-reacting. But the fact remains that this easel was given to us personally, as a gift, by someone who felt we needed it - and the replacement cost of this particular model is around £170.
I must try and get things into perspective - many people this week have lost their jobs, their life savings, or dear family members.
I think I need a serious injection of Divine Grace, to get me back on track to being Little Miss Sunshine!
When I was in industry, everyone in my office was assigned a Mr Man/Little Miss Name. Among my 'joke' leaving gifts was a set of Little Miss daily knickers. I can't recall all of them, but I do remember that Thursday was Little Miss Bossy (ironically the day we have church and deacons' meetings) and Sunday was Little Miss Sunshine.
ReplyDeleteSometimes I think a Little Miss Tired-and-emotional would be a useful addition!
Can't think how to fix the white board I'm afraid.
Good to see you in real life again today!
"I've got a can of shiny white paint in my workshop, so I'll soon have it looking just right again" said Mr Strong. "Make sure you do a good job," said Mr Pernickety, "Or I'll be round there to tell you off!"
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