Thursday 2 October 2008

Prawn to Be Wild


Here is a picture of my evening meal. A healthy pink and green prawn salad. For lunch I had one third of a small tub of [low fat] hummus, and a box of crudités - carefully cut sticks of carrot, cucumber and celery etc. Followed by an orange. Yesterday was similar. My GP told me ten days ago that I have exceedingly high cholesterol - and has given me till Christmas to get that [and my weight] down, through diet and exercise. For the last ten days I have been following a strict very low-fat GI diet.

I even managed six hours [six HOURS!] at the church last week,surrounded by cream cakes, chocolate cakes and other delights, for the Christian Aid tea party - and I did not eat a CRUMB!Every morning I spend at least 5 minutes on the rowing machine.

Bob is being wonderfully encouraging, and sharing many of the low fat meals with me [though I did suggest he had cheese sandwiches for lunch yesterday when I was out] I know this is important for my health. But it is VERY DIFFICULT.

I am being incredibly disciplined - but I am beginning to feel like a tired salad [green and limp as opposed to crisp and fresh!]

To misquote Tennyson

"I am half sick of salads" said the Lady of Shalott 

I had a good day at school though - greatly amused by a child designing a Christmas card, who told me "I am drawing a picture of baby Jesus lying in the crate"


  1. I don't know about you, but most of my nativities at school were spent with Jesus lying in a crate.... or a pink doll's bed. Best day of all was when Joseph screwed the head off Jesus and held it up, like a Roman hero showing off his triumph!

  2. Hi Angela
    Thanks for dropping in, I enjoyed catching up with your blog and all the kind things that you do. It all sounds like good fun. Well done on your healthy eating plan. My hubbys cholestral is high and we are working on that at the moment, some lifestyle changes for him. more nagging from me!
    take care x Dominique

  3. Oh, how I miss my shrimp from Florida! I love it when the shrimp are running and you can just scoop them up with your hat. YUM!!! They are so sweet where I come from and just thinking about them makes my mouth water. :)

  4. As the weather's getting colder, how about adding some roasted winter veg into your salads, like pumpkin or sweet potato, or making soups?

  5. go you! (at least now it's winter it's easier to fill up on lots of soup).

    and garlic and prunes, evidently!

    You should start using flora and then complain if it doesn't work, you might get your money back!

  6. I struggle with my weight and sometimes grow weary of having to pay attention to every single morsel that goes in my mouth (so I don't--and that's when I get into trouble!). I've found Weight Watchers to be a very sensible and fairly do-able weight loss program, if you think having a support group and a plan would be helpful.

    "Jesus lying in the crate"--priceless!


  7. Thank you everyone for the encouragements!
    Do I eat the garlic and prunes all together, Steph? [in a soup?]
    The Prawns were inexpensive, from Aldi [as usual] but had a LOVELY flavour.
    I am going to a birthday party tomorrow - the buffet tea will definitely be my hardest test yet!

  8. buffets are easy... hover by the crudites and pickles!


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