Friday, 18 March 2011

Red Nose Day 2011

written by the wonderful Out Of The Ark crowd

Don’t know what you are doing today. I shall be dressed up as a Pirate and compering the School Talent Show with a colleague!  Apparently the letter that went home to parents said “Comperes for this event include …Cheryl Cole [aka Mrs Almond]” so yesterday children kept saying “Hi Cheryl!” as I walked down the corridors. [I am old enough to be her mother!]

Expect more pictures later. If you are doing anything for RND have lots of fun! It is all in a good cause.


  1. It doesnt exist here, so we will just watch a bit on TV later.

  2. At least we can be sure that you'll have helped the children know "they're worth it" AND helped to 'raise a lot of money' for a worthwhile cause.


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