Friday 23 November 2012

Cold Day, Hot Drink

percolatorIf you have a Coffee Percolator lurking in the back of the cupboard [or in a box in the loft] here’s a recipe you may want to try.

Put 1 litre of apple juice in the jug. In the basket put half a lemon [cut into three or four pieces], plus two cinnamon sticks [snapped in pieces] and 1 tablespoon of honey [or demerara sugar]

Plug in the percolator and let it…perk…You’ll end up with a lovely warming [non alcoholic] drink – just the thing for a wet, windy day. If you don’t have one of these, then tie up the flavourings in a square of muslin, and drop it into a saucepan of apple juice, and warm through gently to just below boiling point.

My Russell Hobbs dates back to 1977 – I used to make my coffee in it when I was a PGCE student in Oxford!


  1. This sounds rather nummy. I will be making mine in a saucepan :) I only have lemon juice from a bottle so I will have to google how much to use, but I love spotting a recipe that I have all ingredients for!!!

  2. Sounds nice. We often warm apple juice in a pan, with similar spices and lemon and orange slices. Leave it on a really low heat, and not only do you have a nice, warm festive drink, but your whole hose smells amazing too :-)

  3. Hi Angela! What a cook percolator! I love perked coffee but my expensive percolators keep dying. They don't make them like they used to.
    I shall have some heated apple cider today and think of you.

  4. Hot apple cider (press pressed juice in the UK) with cinnamom is a favourite with's so warming.
    Jane x

  5. Just in from the Continental Market at City Hall- had a very warming alcohol-frei gluhwein. 'Tis definitely the season to be mully!

  6. Hmmm - sounds divine.
    Love from Mum

  7. That sounds very good, just the thing for a cold rainy day.

  8. Great idea Angela - sounds so warming! Blessings!


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