Monday, 25 March 2019

Good Mousekeeping

This is such a lovely little story, which brought a smile to my face in the middle of so much that is sad and depressing in our news bulletins right now. Watch it and be cheered!
It reminds me of Beatrix Potter's tale of The Tailor of Gloucester, where the mice finish the stitching on the waistcoat but leave one buttonhole unfinished as they run out of thread [so they pin on an explanatory note saying "No more twist!"
Mr McKears calls his little rodent "Brexit Mouse" because he's busy stockpiling  


  1. Ah, I can't seem to see the video, that's annoying. I will try when I'm back home later tonight. Your explanation gives me an idea of what to expect though. I've not done any stockpiling, have you?

  2. Here's the link, Kezzie,

  3. Ps yes I have a Brexit Box! Main ingredients are teabags, coffee, loo rolls, porridge oats and baked beans.

  4. What a thoughtful mouse! I wonder if it was making a nest for itself?

  5. I must show this to my daughter she hates mice, it might change her mind.
    Hazel cuk

  6. Definitely needs seeing to be believed!
    A mouse with cleaning OCD?

  7. It's so sweet. I wonder what he was thinking?

  8. I love it! I could do with a couple of little helpers like that! LOL.


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