Monday, 18 March 2019

I Know You've Missed Me!

That is what this Swedish poster says. It is Lent, the traditional time for semlor buns, and the Swedes are always pleased to see this treat back in the bakery window.
Originally made just on Shrove Tuesday, they were then made on other days, at one point it was illegal in Sweden to make and sell them outside of Lent. 
Now they are in the shops from Christmas till Easter [imho much better than those over sweet Creme Eggs] Liz introduced me to this delightful treat, and for the last three years I have made a batch.[you can find the recipe here]
Although Bronte Aurell, from ScandiKitchen, says fresh is best, I found last year that there wasn't too much change in flavour if thy were frozen.
So last Saturday afternoon, I donned my posh new pinafore, turned on the radio and made 16 semlor instead of eight, portioned them up and froze them.
The two on the little tray are the ones we ate at Saturday tea-time!

Thank you to all who've sent helpful messages re the fatigue, via comments and emails. Update - just heard from GP I have a Vitamin D deficiency, so now on medication!


  1. Good to hear that you now have a diagnosis. I have to take vitamin D too - important for calcium uptake and avoiding osteoporosis.

  2. Those look delicious! Hope you will be feeling much better soon. My husband has a D deficiency and has felt much better since starting the medication.

  3. Thank you FC and Jan- good to hear that this medication has a positive effect.

  4. They looks good! We have almost the same in Norway, but we only have whipped cream in them. We call them Fastelavens boller (buns). In the Christian women's group I am attending, we have a Swedish woman. We have the meetings at each others homes.She always have the meeting at Lent-time and we get Swedish semlor :) Hope you feel better with the medication!

  5. Those semlor buns look delicious! I haven't seen them here, though.

    I was diagnosed with a Vit. D deficiency, several years ago and was prescribed a high dose of Vit. D pills. Later, I took regular, over-the-counter strength pills. I still take them, along with calcium tablets. Hope you feel better, soon.


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