Sunday, 3 March 2019

Loving Our Neighbours...

Here's a group of ladies in Dorset who read the words of the Slovenian women at the service on Friday. And here's one of the songs we sang at the WDP service. Written by a Methodist, Andrew Pratt, from Manchester, it is sung to the tune of "Scarlet Ribbons" [I found a flautist playing the tune on YouTube, see below]. 
It fitted well in a service aimed at reminding us of our responsibility to the marginalised members of society

If we claim to love our neighbour, 
while the hungry queue for food,
are we prey to self deception? Is perception quite so crude?
If we sit beside our neighbours, begging for the things they need,
we might share their own injustice 
in a world that thrives on greed.

If we punish those with nothing, 
blaming them for where they stand,
is this love of friend or neighbour, do we still not understand?
Love of neighbour is not easy,cuts us till we feel the pain,
sharing hurt that they are feeling 
till they find new life again.

Love of neighbour sets us squarely 
in the place where they now sit,
till the richness God has given builds a pearl around the grit;
till each person shares the comfort 
of the love of which we preach,
till we live as fact the Gospel:
none can be beyond love’s reach.


  1. Powerful words, Angela. Thank you for sharing them.

  2. Strong words. Lovely to see those working for a better world.

  3. Beachcomber sent me this comment by email as Blogger wouldn't let her post!
    I've just tried to comment on your post about the Women's World Day of Prayer but can't so here it is.
    That is such a strong, challenging song.
    I'm going to have to write it out and examine it line by line.
    It has made me think hard, yet again, about my attitudes.
    One of the reasons I like your blog is that it's so real!
    There is no challenge unless one chooses to be challenged.
    It feels far less confrontational than many a church service.
    I can recommend it to a couple of my friends who are searching and we can discuss various ideas.


Always glad to hear from you - thanks for stopping by!
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