Monday 16 October 2023

We Are Not Made Of Sugar, Grandma!

Said Rosie, when I muttered about the heavy rain on a trip to the coast last year. Her Mum helpfully gave me the Dutch version "Jij bent niet van suiker gemaakt" - and I try to remind myself of this when it starts to rain, and I'm tempted to get in the car instead of on my bicycle for a quick trip to the Village Shop. Then of course the Norwegians say this little rhyming couplet
there's no
dårlig vær, 
[bad weather] 
dårlig klær! 
[bad clothes]

I have been thinking about this a lot recently.
I did my seasonal wardrobe sort - and then October brought us some very unseasonal weather. Bob has been outside in his shorts, and I've been cycling wearing a teeshirt and no jacket or jumper. I did get caught out one day wearing sandals and came home with rain-sodden cold feet. I am very fond of dressing in layers, so I can add one or peel one off, depending on the temperature 
Then I found another Norwegian word-  friluftsliv - this means "free-air life" and the term was coined by playwright Henrik Ibsen in 1859, to convey a spiritual connection with nature. This 'getting outside in the fresh air is good for your soul' concept is huge in Norway - check out the  Visit Norway website which lists loads of activities, and shares fascinating facts
  • 90% of Norwegians say that friluftsliv is important to them - 
  • Friluftsliv has its own law, Friluftsloven, which includes the right to roam
  • Norway has several outdoor kindergartens [friluftsbarnehager], where the children spend 80 per cent of the time outdoors. [we are getting more 'forest nursery schools' in the UK now]
  • Many Norwegians look for an active partner, and it’s not unusual to go hiking or cycling on the first date.
  • In Norway, there are government-sponsored “libraries” where you can borrow outdoor gear.
  • In Norway, you can take a bachelor’s degree in friluftsliv.

I had friends in Dorset who were into the Japanese idea of shinrin yoku - forest bathing - an ancient practice of being calm and relaxing among the trees. But this is much more than that. 
I am trying to get outside in the fresh air every day if I can. Maybe just a walk to the medical centre to collect our pills [oh, the joys of old age!] or a cycle ride to the village post office. But some days maybe just a walk around the garden, pulling out the odd weeds, saying encouraging words to the walking onions or perhaps having breakfast or a midmorning cuppa sitting outside [if it is not too wet or windy] It ups my body's supply of Vitamin D, and lifts my spirits. Scientists have shown that exposure to morning sunlight helps reset our circadian rhythms and benefits our night time sleep patterns. 
So I WILL wrap my weather scarf round my neck, put on a warm coat and good footwear, and sally forth into the fresh air for a brief while, EVERY day. Even if what I really want is to do my knitting in front of the TV, with a mug of tea beside me.

I'm not sure what the weather was like outside Tate Britain on Saturday - but one member of my family was certainly making sure she had the right clothes for the occasion. [Maybe she wants to audition for Cabaret, or Wicked!]

Are you a fresh air fanatic, or do you prefer warm and cosy?


  1. Dr Michael Moseley (just one thing, BBCradio) says walking in the rain boosts your immune system, not sure if driving in the rain has the same effect. My 'feel better in 5' book which I return to when I feel 'driech' suggests spending 5 mins outside every day, which I try and do .

  2. I suspect that if I did all the "Just One Thing" activities that MM suggests, there would be no time left for anything else. I did try his "jump into the shower whilst it is running cold water". But only once!

  3. I prefer warm and cosy but both are in short supply as Steve hates being warm. Also Beano needs walking 3 or 4 times a day.

    1. Having a dog does mean you MUST get outside daily

  4. I always feel better when outside or if I've been outside but I love cosy too! I wish C would realise the benefit of getting outside, even in the Winter. He refuses to go for a walk with me saying he is not a dog if I suggest a repeat of a walk locally and yet he loves an adventure walk in a new location but is very much led by his mood. Kx

    1. Until very recently I think I was just like C about walking.

  5. Oh, definitely warm and cosy for me! I'll happily spend time outdoors if it is warm! It went up to 95F, today, and I was as happy as I could be! :D I do want to try and spend a few minutes outside, in the garden, on a daily basis, though, even when it gets cooler.

  6. I go out every single day whatever the weather. Take what comes. If its pouring or freeing treat it as a micro-adventure. Cosy is even cosier when you are back indoors.

    1. That last sentence is great! And you have livestock to care for, so regular trips outside are part of your life

  7. Definitely outdoors is best for me. Also our family are all outdoor types. My eldest son treks for miles and my youngest son runs everywhere literally. My husband and I walk every day rain or shine. I tend to agree with the Norwegians about wrong clothes. We live on the Sussex coast and I volunteer at a "coast" school which is right by the sea and every day in most weathers each class has at least one lesson on the beach which I think is wonderful. What a great photo love the oversized witch hat.

    1. I think I'd enjoy lessons on the beach [providing there were no escapee pupils]

  8. I do admire those folks who go wild swimming. I'd really love to do it and plenty of opportunity here, surrounded by beautiful beaches but just can't pluck up the courage. The folks that do it look really healthy!

    1. But it is freezing up there in Scotland! Only the ones who survive look healthy - what about the ones who were killed off by the cold?!

    2. On you've convinced me not to do it! Thanks.

  9. I have to walk down our, not very big, garden each day to feed my birds. Which takes 3 minutes! Does that count?

    1. Three minutes in your charming garden would definitely bring blessing to the soul, and refreshment to the body

  10. Having a dog dictates getting out in the fresh air despite the prevailing weather conditions for which I am grateful. The plus side is the hot drink and a chapter of my book when we return 🐕

    1. Agreed- the getting in again and putting on of the kettle is as essential as going out in the first place

  11. As a Norwegian, of course I am fresh air fanatic! :)

    1. Of course! and you produce such fabulous warm knitwear, Marit, to keep everybody cosy

  12. My husband asolutely hates the ran, which I don't mind and I tell him, similar to Rosie, that he's not going to melt and that he'll only get wet once.

  13. With lupus I must avoid sunshine because sunshine can bring on a lupus flare and I don't need more aches or more fatigue!
    I like a little outdoors time and then warm and cozy.


  14. I didn't know that sunshine affected lupus. Keep warm and well BA 👍❤️

  15. I do love warm and cosy by the fire with my knitting in hand, but equally appreciate sitting in the sunshine wrapped up warm with a mug of tea. Thank you for sharing all the wonderful phrases, they are just brill 😊 xx

  16. My husband is in Oslo at the moment for a meeting so I am going to send him the link about friluftsliv. Of course we have plenty of outdoor opportunities in Canada, living practically in the bush where we are. I just spent time with our son watching birds bathing at the edge of the beaver pond and walking round the yard admiring mushrooms on rotten tree stumps!


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