Tuesday, 16 April 2024

Follow The Yellow Brick Road


In "The Wizard Of Oz" Dorothy skips along and finally gets to the Emerald City and finds the Wizard. On her journey, she meets the Munchkins. 

In the book [pub 1900] Frank L Baum describes these people as the same height as Dorothy, and dressed all in blue, their favourite colour. Hollywood ignored these details when they made the film.

We were asked at Craft Group to contribute some cakes or savouries on Sunday [the event raised over £500 towards the upkeep of the Village Hall] 

On Saturday afternoon I stood in the kitchen wondering what to make. I decided fairy cakes are easily manageable. I got out my 1996 Dairy Book, and spotted a recipe I have never made before - Munchkin Cakes. It only needed one egg, and I had all other other ingredients, [apart from crystallised Orange and Lemon slices.] So I set to and made a batch.


  • 100g butter
  • 100g sugar
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • grated rind and juice of ½ orange
  • 200g self raising flour
  • 100ml fresh milk
  • 75g apricot jam
  • 75g plain chocolate, melted
  • crystallised citrus slices to garnish
  1. Preheat oven to 170º
  2. Melt butter and sugar over low hear for 2 mins, stir occasionally 
  3. Add egg and orange rind, beat well, 
  4. Fold in flour, gradually add milk and orange juice
  5. Spoon into 16 paper cases [2tbsp per case]
  6. Bake for 25 mins till risen and golden brown
  7. When cool, scoop out centre, place tsp jam in hollow.
  8. Replace lid, ice wirth melted chocolate
  9. Decorate with orange or lemon slice.
I grated the rind with the microplane and stirred it through the mix. Having no slices, I put gold stars on each cake. The cakes were fairly uniform [wouldn't win BakeOff though] 
I kept back the wonkiest pair for us to sample later,
Conclusion - they taste just like Jaffa Cakes!
I may make these again, when my little Munchkins from London or Manchester come to visit.


  1. Oooh, yum!! These look and sound great! Kx

  2. They sound rather tasty! I may have to try making them sometime! Love FD xx

    1. I thought people just back from cruises usually went on a diet for a month, FD!

  3. I love a Jaffa cake 😍
    Alison in Wales x

  4. They sounds good, I love Jaffa cakes. I will try them! The Repair cafe event was a very good idea.

    1. Do you have events like Repair Cafes near you, Marit??

  5. My son in law , like my husband used to, loves Jaffa Cakes so that is a wonderful recipe to try.
    The gold stars saved your day and made them look so attractive. JanF

    1. I hope your SIL will enjoy them, if you make some for his next visit

  6. We can't even buy Jaffa Cakes here, so it will be worth trying this recipe. Thanks, Angela.

  7. Sounds wonderful!
    How are you feeling? Is your sore throat better?

    1. Felling brighter, but throat still very sore. Woke in the night with a bad coughing episode. But it's nothing major! Thank you for caring


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