Tuesday, 2 April 2024

Here Comes The Sun!

 Despite going to bed late, and losing a hour for BST, we still were out of bed before 5.15am. We loaded the car with coffee, mugs and PA gear and drove off to the Parish Church.
We joined with Rev Rachel the vicar, nine other friends and a dog, to celebrate the Resurrection. It was a fantastic experience to watch the sun come up, and shout "He is risen indeed!"

It's a long time since I've attended an Easter Sunrise Event. It was truly moving.
And sharing bacon rolls and hot coffee afterwards was good fun too!
Then after a couple of hours at home, [I listened to the Archbishop of Canterbury on Radio 4) we went to our own church for the Easter Service.
We came home and Liz, Jon and the girls arrived for lunch. 
Somewhere round 4pm I fell asleep!
Easter Sunday was wonderful - but we took Monday really gently in an attempt to regain our energy.
I do hope you had a great weekend too


  1. We had a sunrise service here in Dorset as well, it was just lovely, about 20 of us. We always have a bonfire Easter Eve and then again on Easter morning and lit our candles and processed into Church. All we want now is the sun, more rain here again today. Sandra.

    1. I love the idea of an Easter eve bonfire party!

  2. I remember dragging my children (at the time they were 3 and under) to sunrise services each year. It was definitely a challenge, but such a meaningful service. We haven't had a sunrise service in years. Easter was so busy and I found I was really slow moving yesterday.

    1. Yes, Easter can get very busy - especially for those in ministry (we are enjoying the blessings of retirement)

  3. The Easter service I went to was very lovely with the children making chocolate nests topped with chocolate eggs and Easter cards. Our lovely Vicar encourages the little ones to join in with all aspects of the service and it was very relaxed and happy. Just right for celebrating the Resurrection.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Oh brilliant! I love it when the children feel part of the service

  4. When I was a child, there was a cemetary that actually had a rock cave, that with a light weight stone and 'angel', was the site of sunrise Easter services for years. It was awesome to me all those decades ago!


    1. Wow - that must have had such an impact on you! I think I shall just stick with displaying the Nativity scene at Christmas though

  5. What a beautiful way to celebrate Easter Sunday. Catriona

  6. Amazing, once my Easters were like that, but we still had a quiet time midst our busy weekend of visitors, what a blessed time you had.

  7. You shame me! I did not make it up in time!😔 Glad you had a joyful time! Kxx

    1. Losing the hour made it that much harder. It was so joyful

  8. We had to skip the sunrise service this year as our one minister is a bit overloaded with work at the moment (our Associate Minister retired in Nov. and the search is ongoing for a replacement), But - we had a good week - 140 for Palm Sunday - 50 for Maundy Thursday - 170 for Good Friday and 350 for 10:30 Easter service. A wonderful week but those of us who work at the church are still recovering! :-)

  9. Hoping you find a replacement AM soon. And that your minister's workload can be eased

  10. Glad you had a lovely Easter, Angela.

    1. Thank you Bless, it is a very important celebration for me 🙏✝️


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