Thursday 4 April 2024

London Pride

 I love London. There is always something new to discover, somewhere fresh to visit - alongside the comforting familiarity of well loved favourite places. My friend Lynn posted a picture of a London Jigsaw she'd just completed. It is based on the A-Z map. "I can see the street where my family live!" I said. Lynn is preparing to move house, and decluttering. She kindly sent me the puzzle.
I'm usually a 500piece puzzler
But this was too good to ignore.
The streets were very small, and the printing minuscule on some sections. I got out the Bug Viewer I use with the grandchildren. It magnified the pieces beautifully. I began on Good Friday morning, and worked on the green felt mat. That meant I could easily roll up the puzzle whenever we needed the dining table.
A few slight problems . Firstly,it was a while before I realised the picture on the box was slightly misleading. The A-Z logo in the corner was smaller, so more stuff showed in the Edgware section. And in the top right, there was no badge saying "1000 pieces" And then there was Marylebone. One section of road was missing three letters from the middle of the word. I checked and checked - but could not find the piece.
Over the weekend, I worked on the jigsaw, and Liz and Bob added pieces as they walked past. At 9pm Monday evening [after watching the various quizzes. Well done UCL for getting to the Univ Challenge finals] I returned to the dining table. Things were looking good. "I am not going to bed till this is finished!" I said. Bob had a programme to watch, then he came to help me.
Bob solved the MARY---ONE problem, ... he finally realised the damaged piece (had it fallen in a mug of coffee, or been licked by the cat?) was the one which fitted, but the letters were no longer visible.
We kept going and finished at 11.50pm! I took a photo and we had a final cuppa and went to bed.
So satisfying to have it completed! 
Lynn's intended destination for this puzzle was a charity shop - and I said I'd make sure it got there in the end. Lynn has been a good friend for decades, she has great faith, a generous heart, and a wonderful sense of humour. She is arranging this move while her husband is in hospital [where he has been for over a year] I am praying for her, for resilience and strength, and for her husband, continued healing. 
Is there anyone out there who would like to have a go at this puzzle and then pass it on to a CS?
Please comment on THIS POST by Saturday, including the words LONDON JIGSAW, and I will pull the winner's name out on Sunday. But you must agree do it promptly, and to pass on the jigsaw to a CS after completion. It is not to sit useless in a cupboard.
The Easter weekend marked the 16th birthday of Tracing Rainbows.
Nearly 7000 posts, almost 50,000 comments...and soon it will pass 5 million hits. Can you believe it ? I can't!
But more importantly, dozens of friends I didn't know back in 2008. Thank you everyone who takes the time to read my ramblings. God bless you all.


  1. LONDON JIGSSAW. What a good idea using the Bug Viewer to look at the puzzle pieces. My sister and I both love doing puzzles, I have lots of time being semi retired, she has a busy work life and does puzzles to chill out. My sister and her husband love London, we were fascinated when I looked up the 1921 census that out Nan was in service a stone's throw from BIL's beloved Chelsea FC. My sister would love the London jigsaw, it definitely would not sit in the cupboard and we have lots of charity shops in our town.

    1. How lovely to find that link. In Victorian times, my great gran went to the Metropolitan Tabernacle church in Elephant and Castle, just round the corner from where my granddaughters live now

  2. Please don't include me in your draw (I don't do jigsaws) but I think that having a puzzle which "does the round" is a lovely idea. Even better than buying from a charity shop as this way it comes with a history.

    1. I hope you had a truly joyous Easter, M! ❤️

  3. Well done on completing the puzzle. Would you consider framing it as you love London? Don’t include me in the draw thanks as I have a brand new one waiting to be opened. Catriona

    1. No, I can't keep it! And wall space is limited anyway.

  4. That was quite a challenge! I dont do puzzles now but used to enjoy finding that last elusive piece.

    1. And so often that "last piece" turns out to be one you had picked up and tried any times in other places, but couldn't locate...

  5. Congratulations on your blog hits. I always look forward to reading your posts they always include something interesting and often thought provoking. The puzzle looks amazing well done on completing, (I don't wish to be included in the drawer I am not patient enough for puzzles) but good luck to all who enter. Regards Sue H

  6. Please don't include me in the drawing for the jigsaw, either, but, it's a lovely puzzle! I usually donate my completed puzzles, but, every so often, I'll pass them on to my friend and she sends them to her children in Sri Lanka. :)

    1. I don't think I could afford overseas postage!

  7. LONDON JIGSAW. What a great idea Angela. I’m off to the big city in a few weeks time so this would count as research I’m hoping. Used to love A-Zs but technology has taken over these days, sadly. Well done on the anniversary. You’re one of my must-reads.

    1. Thanks Val. I hope you have a great time in London. Yes you are right - years ago the tube trains were full of people studying A-Zs, but now most seem to navigate with their phones

  8. Congratulations on your blog birthday! We did a lot of jigsaws during our big Covid lock-in. I volunteer in an op shop and they remain very popular.

    1. Yes, Covid was a great time for Jigsaws. My good friends Mary & Richard used to leave puzzles from their vast collection in my front porch... That was when I realised I liked 500 piece ones best

  9. Congratulations on your blog's 16th birthday!! I started reading it regularly during a very dark time in my life, with my sister's illness. Your blog lifted me up. I know that was a hard time for you too, with your cousin's illness. Thank you for being here. On a lighter note, the puzzle looks very tedious to me ! I actually still have an A to Z map book from when I was in London way back in the 1980s.

    1. I remember that you had a tough time - and appreciated your very kind words when I lost Gillian...Some of us love jigsaws, others find them tedious. (I could say the same about cricket!)

  10. I'm not v good at jigsaws so count me out but i do like the idea of them being passed on!
    Congrats on your blogiversary!
    Just realised it may be my 19th blogiversary imminently or have I missed it??? Kezzie x

    1. Your Anniversary is on Saturday!! Yours was one of the first blogs I started reading too...

  11. Wow, what a challenge that puzzle is and not one I would take up 😉😀
    Congratulations on the longevity of your lovely blog. I try to comment on it most days, but fairly often it gives me an error message when I press publish so I have to give up........hopefully not today!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I don't know why that error thing happens, but thank you for your persistence and your great comments! 😉😀

    2. I've often had error messages too. Sometimes a double click helps, but not always.

    3. 😘 xx
      Alison x

  12. Wow that's some jigsaw, well done finishing it. I love London too and I lived in Essex it was just a 25min train journey for me so I went quite often. Friends came with me to All Saints Church as I wanted to pray a special prayer for getting through my 3rd OFSTED!

    1. I feel that any revision of "Common Worship" [the prayer book of the Church of England] should include a special Ofsted Prayer. A Catholic Headmeaster I knew, said it stood for O Father Send Them Eternal Damnation

  13. I'm glad I'm not the only one who cannot leave a jigsaw puzzle alone for long! I'd have loved to try it, if I were in England, but then I wouldn't have got anything done and I have so much to do! I'm glad you took a photo, I have done this with all the puzzles before donating them.

  14. I'm impressed by your speed. It took me three weeks!

    1. You're a lot busier than I am - and it was a wet bank hol weekend


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