Friday 9 May 2008

Knit Wit

Tomorrow I am travelling North West again. Part of me would like to travel South East - to visit the Brighton Festival and especially Kate Jenkins Shop 'Cardigan' to see her stunning display of knitted goods. cardiganinbloomEspecially the 'Insect' Collection, produced for the festival.

I am always fascinated by such knitted curiosities, although I am never sure what purpose they serve. There is a lot of skill and many hours of labour involved in producing even the tiny thingsladybirdknit - which I suppose is how she justifies charging £665 [yes, really!] for a canvas a foot square covered in ladybirds and butterflies.

But who actually buys these things? I am intrigued by them - but not for long - and I don't think I would want to stare at it on my wall, all day, every day.

My current WIPs are a scarf [gift] and a jumper [for myself]

No pictures of them till they are completed.

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