Thursday 18 April 2013


shepherdess-with-sheep-in-a-landscape, leemputten&gerard

woolgathering [noun] indulgence in idle fancies and in daydreaming; absentmindedness

I find it so easy to indulge in woolgathering! but for woolgathering of a different kind, here is an update to yesterday’s fish’n’chip post.

If you have any knitted items [vests, jumpers, blanket, hats, whatever] leftover from some Charity Knit drive, then you can always send them here

Knit for Peace
Radius Works
Back Lane

This charity will accept goodies and pass them on to projects who can use them. Check out their website which is a mine of information and a good source of simple patterns.

knitforpeace logo

[and thankyou to Cindy at TWAM for the info about the KFP project]

1 comment:

  1. Wool gathering? Really? I love it!! Love that picture too!!


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