Sunday 19 April 2020

Time For Worship!

Because Bob and I should have been in Norfolk on holiday, Dr David Hilborn, Principal of Moorlands Theological College, had already been booked to preach at UCF. So David has sent us his sermon to include in the service. 

If you want to join us this morning, click on the YouTube playlist HERE. You will get all the parts of the service [music, reading, prayers, sermon] in order, and you can click through at your own pace. Please note - today's service is a little longer. Bob's included this little clip, which explains things. [even if it does say "unprecedented" - a word definitely being over-used right now]

Although I'm still in Dorset, I shall nevertheless be leading worship and preaching in Norfolk this morning [via the Foulsham Chapel Conference Call Service] which is amazing. Once again, thank you to everyone who has been linking in to our worship - Bob has been checking his YouTube stats, and there are lots of you! We have had some wonderful messages from people all over the world - especially saying how much the three services over the Easter weekend have helped and blessed them. Thank you.
You may be reading this by yourself, but remember, you are part of a caring group of friends. 
God bless you all!

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