Friday, 5 June 2020

At Last!

Today I am hoping to meet my Grandson George. 
I am so grateful that this can happen.
We will meet outside, in the open air.
Let us hope the weather stays fine!


  1. That's such good news, enjoy your time with that precious grandson

  2. How wonderful! I hope the weather cooperates and you have a lovely visit.

  3. You will be so thrilled to see him at long last. Drive carefully!

  4. Great news! Have a lovely time

  5. How lovely, a wonderful day making memories with him. I hope it stays dry for you.

  6. Gorgeous baby hope the weather stayed good for you, what a blessing to have a new baby in the family in these dreadful times.

  7. Fantastic news! I hope you're having a wonderful day!

  8. Brilliant, hope you've had a lovely time meeting George for the first time. Love the second pic, he's a proper little boy isn't he?

  9. Hope you had a lovely meet up

  10. So glad you're getting to meet him!

  11. Was meant to be doing the same thing last Friday but unfortunately, the weather conspired against us and I just couldn't bear the thought of them all being in my garden sheltering from the howling wind and rain, whilst trying to have a picnic! Maybe this week we'll make it happen. Gorgeous George is a beautiful grandson!


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