Friday 4 October 2024

A Little More Decluttering

The final tally for the September declutter is rather haphazard
  • As usual I located 1 bag to hold CS donations
  • 2 pieces of open weave curtain fabric which I will never use because the pattern is dire, have been repurposed for the Brownies Sewing Badge [I am working with three dozen of them on Monday evenings] 
  • there were 3 bits of a ballpoint pen in the bottom of my bag, but not all the bits needed to reassemble it. That was discarded 
  • 4 cereal boxes I had been keeping 'just in case' have been cut up for the Toddler Group Craft Activity I am doing next week
  • Looking for something in the Futility Room Cupboards, I found a box with 6 more jam jars [recycled]
  • I did the summer/winter wardrobe sort- 7 garments really worn out, and binned, 8 have some life but don't fit, and have gone into the Charity Shop bag. The wardrobe is efficiently organised and I look forward to choosing co-ordinated autumn outfits
  • More 'virtual decluttering' I tidied up my blogroll - and unfollowed than 20 blogs where nothing has been written since lockdown
  • I tidied my email inbox too, and deleted around 50 messages which I really do not need to keep
  • I unsubscribed from another 10 mailings
  • I have contacted 4 charities who keep sending me literature [and raffle tickets I do not want to buy] and asked them to remove me from their mailing list
That's over 100 things - added to the previous 110 I have got rid of 200 plus real/virtual items
I am also trying to be more efficient about post - all those unwanted flyers go straight into the recycling bin without have a day or two languishing on the sideboard first.
I'm typing this at my pc and just looked at the chaotic pinboard on the wall in front of me.  That definitely needs to be attacked, as does the overflowing filing tray on my left. 
🎵"Don't stop me now, cos I'm having a good time, and I don't wanna stop at all"🎵


  1. Decluttering always feels so good! Until that moment when you decide you want that book with the poem about somthing or other by someone or other...Oh yes, I remember, it went out to the charity shop two weeks ago...

    1. Bob thinks I culled my Oscar Wilde collection when we retired...

  2. Well done with your decluttering, Angela! :)

    1. Thanks Bless, your efforts have been spectacular, and inspiring

  3. Well done!!! Great achievement!!!
    I should do something similar! I regularly have to declutter my inbox!! Waaay too much!!! Kx

    1. I set aside 10 minutes, with a timer, to clear the inbox. Then repeated the next day.

  4. You put me to shame. I started with great gusto but have now ground to a halt, lots of visitors, family get togethers, a poorly elderly cat who just wants a lap to sit on, the excuses go on and on. I must knuckle down this weekend and declutter some more. Just a flu jab to contend with and no other excuse.Regards Sue H.

    1. These are all perfectly valid excuses. Family and friends (& pets) are much more important than "stuff". Life is short , so seize the precious moments together.
      I have flu AND covid jabs tomorrow and plan to do nothing else all day, and very little on Sunday either! I did not mean to burden you with guilt, that is never my intention.

  5. I had to try 4 charity shops before finding one that would take my 3 bags of "stuff". The others were full up - everyone must be decluttering!

    1. I had to sort my big bag out in the first shop, as they would take everything except clothing! Then I had to go to a second one to drop that off.


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