Monday 28 October 2024

Amazing Grace, And Other Women...

At Cornerstones, we have an alarming number of 'smart' devices, controlled by Alexa [The Other Woman, as I call her] Bob loves gadgets, I find her very frustrating at times!

In our cars, we always refer to the voice on the Satnav as Grace. If you know the hymn "Amazing Grace" you will recognise the reference- "Tis Grace has brought us safe thus far,and Grace will lead us home"

Our original satnavs were plug in devices, which attached to the windscreen/dashboard. Then Bob's Skoda Kodiaq had a built in satnav and screen. My Skoda Fabia, purchased in the Spring has a screen  - but I have to attach my phone via a cable to use satnav facilities.

All well and good, but my phone has really been playing up of late. I know Norfolk is not always good for mobile phone signals. But last Sunday, in the pouring rain, somewhere just north of Hoddesdon, I lost signal completely. And I was still on minor roads, and the GB atlas was in the other car. [my thanks to the lovely family parked in the layby, who were able to reassure me that the next right turn would take me to the M11 junction at Stansted] I got home safely.
I have been really frustrated with my mobile phone when texts and  messages don't come through promptly. or I cannot make calls/WhatsApps due to lack of signal.
So I have just invested in a new phone. A shiny Motorola, and all is well and good. Bob said he had an old i-phone which had battery issues, and why didn't I keep that in the car, solely to operate the satnav? That way I am not constantly plugging/unplugging my Motorola [wear and tear on the socket] This seemed a good idea. So he kindly set it up for me on Saturday morning, good news - it works perfectly. 
Battery issues don't matter as it is always plugged in and charging.It will be interesting to see how long the £15 credit on the sim card lasts, if the i-phone is only used for satnav.[My regular mobile operates on a monthly pay-as-you go tariff from GiffGaff and is both cheap and reliable.]
But the voice is different! There are four choices- two men [no!] or two women [American or Mancunian] We've opted for the latter. She sounds a bit like my mate Rachel.. I shall still call her Grace. 
Grace, Alexa, Siri...[oh, and the gadget in the workshop is called Dot] When my grandmother was growing up, the best regulated homes had female assistants called Mollie, Elsie and Gladys 


  1. We call our satnav Sassy because she gets really sassy when you ignore her directions in a known area! We were just talking at the weekend about Norrie changing phone provider so that at least one of us has a signal when we are away in the Moho. Catriona

  2. You won't believe it, but I recently drove with sat nav in the car for the first time... it's very comfortable. And yes the voice is important... I chose female. A hug for you.
    May we always be on the right path!

    1. Absolutely, always keep to the straight and narrow way!

  3. Sat nav is still a novelty for us in our not so new anymore car bought Aug last year. Our next challenge is to persuade it that we don't want radio 2, or any radio playing in the background when we use it!

  4. I don't have any gadgets or satnav. I like to plan my routes via a map and write down on the back of an envelope to put them in my memory. I wonder if you lived alone would you live as I do without gadgets in the house. It is fine to do so.

    1. I find sat available useful when driving in large and unfamiliar cities, because you get advance warning about being in the correct lane, which is helpful. Some gadgets are useful, others not so much.

  5. It's ok, I know I'm always his #1


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