Tuesday 22 October 2024

What A Night!

The weekend went incredibly well. So goid to meet up with so many friends. Here's a crowd of flower folding females!
The food was excellent, bedrooms comfortable, staff cheerful and helpful. 
On the first evening we had the usual "housekeeping" information.
  • Wear your keycard-lanyard whenever you leave your room
  • No fire drills planned, so if you hear the alarm, go to the assembly point in the car park
  • There are two other groups, we each have designated meeting/dining areas
  • Clear your room by 9am Sunday
All good. I slept really badly Friday night,don't know why. Saturday night went to sleep easily. Woken around 4am by loud noise. I thought it was my alarm clock. Fumbled for light switch. Thumped alarm. Noise continued. Spotted red overhead alarm was flashing. Opened my door to find two friends in the corridor "What's happening?" "Fire alarm, come on!"
I'd put out my Sunday clothes and packed most of my stuff before going to bed. So there I was trotting down the corridor in pj's, best blue suede heels, and my biker jacker. I'd remembered to take the card out of the power slot and tuck it in my lanyard. But I didn't put in my two little partial dentures, or remember my watch, phone or glasses! 
My friend had let her door slam behind her. So was stuck in the corridor without a keycard to get back in. Just in her nightie, no shoes or coat. Someone lent her a cardi. We all trotted outside to the meeting point, following the line of women ahead of us. Sarah kindly took my arm in case I stumbled on the steps [with no glasses it was all a bit blurred in the dark] 
Top marks to Lori from our planning team who had a list of Thrive delegates on her clipboard, and a pen to tick us off. We were all present, if not correctly attired! We stood around for ages. The other conference delegates were in their groups. 
Then somebody said we could go back in, false alarm! But nobody was quite sure who had said it,. The women by the door said the alarm was still going off, and they could smell smoke. Back to our muster station... 
Shame I had no phone, I'd have rung Bob for a chat [at 4.20am? He'd not have enjoyed that!] Shall we sing "My favourite things" to make us feel better? Or a rousing hymn [like "Send the Fire"] Tried not to think about needing the loo.

Finally we were sent back inside at 4.50. It was definitely a fault. No fire or smoke anywhere. I got into my room, visited the loo, put my little kettle on, made a cuppa, and did a sudoku. This will go down in Thrive history as "The Conference With The False Alarm" 


  1. Sorry to hear about your disturbed night. This reminds me of boarding school fire drills. Standing outside in PJ's and dressing gown☹️. Glad the rest of the time was enjoyable. X

  2. Oh my, better to be safe than sorry. Glad you had a wonderful conference despite alarm going off. Regards Sue H

  3. I bet Bob was very relieved to hear that you had forgotten to take your phone out with you.

    We had a similar thing happen when I was on a training week for Scope. The alarm went off at 3am in the Travelodge, I accidentally let my door slam behind me without having my key ... luckily I had managed to quickly get dressed ... so after the all clear the duty manager had to get a pass key for my room to let me back in. The funny thing was he was wearing a pink frilly, very short length ladies dressing gown. That kept us all talking for quite a while. The poor chap was as red as a beetroot.

    1. One doesn't like to speculate. As Overnight Duty Manager, one would have expected him to have a less frilly D/G at the ready

    2. This is hilarious , made me laugh out loud. I think Ang is right, after that he had a sturdy dressing gown by the door! JanF

  4. Well! One does like a conference to be memorable but perhaps not in this way!
    At my boarding school one of the fire exits was through a trap door in the corridor and sliding down a rope!

  5. Glad it was a false alarm. Lovely photo of you and your friends. Catriona

    1. Some of them have been friends for over 40 years!

  6. What a wonderful experience, I bet it seemed you had been gone a week! JanF

    1. We crammed so much in,it will take a week to recover!

  7. I guess you will never forget that conference!

  8. That is something you would rather not do in the middle of the night. But wonderful that it wasnt a real fire.

    1. Yes, and good that we all acted correctly and got outside safely

  9. What a lot of unwelcome excitement! It happened to us years ago in Trondheim, Norway, in June, and around 1 am we were standing outside the hotel in night clothes in broad daylight! It was a false alarm, too.

  10. I'm glad it was just a false alarm and nothing serious.

  11. I'm glad you were all ok after the night time call out in night attire. A conference not to be forgotten in a hurry!

    1. Every conference is memorable in its own way isnt it?!


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