Sunday 20 October 2024

Very Cheerful Food [4]

That was a clue in a cryptic crossword I was doing recently. At first I couldn't work it out, but once I'd filled in the down clues, I got it. Very = So, Cheerful = Up. The answer so-up = Soup.

I was at the dentist's on Monday,and as I walked back to where I'd parked the car, I saw this sign
I do love the idea of Soup Church! I wonder if the Methodists of East Harling are Very Cheerful Christians, I do hope so. They are clearly keen on good food and gentleness. It is a shame that it is a 70 mile round trip to my dentists, otherwise I'd be tempted to call in!

There is something special about sharing good food in good company [companion comes from the old French compaignon, one who breaks bread with another] I shall be eating meals at the conference this weekend with many friends,new and old. I know I'll look round the dining room, and hear gales of laughter from one table, and see deep conversations going on at another...
A blessing of retirement is having the time to invite others to share a meal with us - at home, or at a local 'eatery'. It doesn't have to be 5* cuisine - soup and a roll, a cuppa plus cake...but it is so good to meet together, and eat together. 
Jesus did it all the time [feeding 5000, Cana Wedding Feast, Supper at Emmaus, a BBQ on the Beach] I think we should too!!


  1. I think companion is one of the loveliest words in our language. Companions add an extra je ne sais quois to any meal.

  2. The young mothers group at church, which I used to go to over 30 years ago, started cooking a monthly church lunch. It's still going strong! Groups which eat together, stay together.

  3. 🙏
    Alison in Wales x

  4. I agree about sharing food being a social experience-there’s something about sitting at a table and chatting that fills me with joy. Hope you have had a lovely time with your friends and safe journey if you are not yet home. Catriona

  5. A brilliant time. Home safe but exhausted!


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