Thursday 24 October 2024

Bah Hubmug!

Some years ago Liz bought herself a Christmas Bauble, I think it was in a poundshop. But she liked it for its misprint. It simply said 

"Bah Hubmug!"

Last week I saw a bolt of fabric in a shop. I wasn't sure if it had  been named for its brown earthy colour, or for the middle eastern dip

Humus: a brown or black complex variable material resulting from partial decomposition of plant or animal matter and forming the organic portion of soil
Hummus: a paste of pureed chickpeas usually mixed with sesame oil or sesame paste and eaten as a dip or sandwich spread [also spelled hommos, hommus or houmous]
People just don't bother about correct spelling anymore!
On Tuesday I
 saw a notebook in a CS in Holt, with that well known quote from Albert Einstein on the front. I couldn't decide if it was a typo, or meant to be ironic. I called Bob over. We chuckled together, and I bought the book
Here's a picture of the cover.
"I saw you two laughing " said the assistant, "What amused you?" I told her that we couldn't decide if the spelling mistake was deliberate or not. She looked at the book, and said "Oh, yes, they've spelt perspiration wrong"

I researched it, and discovered this graphic was done by an artist called Ben Fearnley. I so want to believe it is deliberate, but I am rather afraid it isn't!

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