Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Backwards And Forwards

Here's my newly learned word for this week
Well done if you worked out that it means 'fear of palindromes' I love palindromes*, there are the simple words like MUM, DAD, DEED, ABBA, ROTOR, CIVIC, ROTATOR, REVIVER. 
And then there are some amazing sentences - here are three animal related phrases
The first palindromic sentence was not
and I doubt Napoleon ever said
Able was I, ere I saw Elba
in 1880, the canal dreamed up by De Lesseps led to
A man, a plan, Panama

I remember a very embarrassing moment when I was supply teaching. In the staff room at lunchtime, somebody started a game where we were writing favourite palindrome sentences on the whiteboard. I'd only been at the school a couple of days, and everyone was very friendly. I had come across one just a few days before. So I said "I read this last week - it is advice for anybody who has upset their spouse" and grabbing a pen, I wrote 
Lapses? Order red roses, pal
There was an uncomfortable silence. One teacher quietly rubbed out my words, and another whispered "the Head's wife has just found out about his affair" Oops! 
Along with aibohphobia, I also came across SEMORDNILAPS. These are words which forms another word or phrase when it is reversed. Semordnilap /Palindromes
Here are some pairs
dog/god , repaid/diaper, live/evil, gateman/nametag, pupils/slipup. stink/knits.... and my favourite - stressed/desserts
*Even the name of my online shop is a palindrome


  1. Some desserts make me extremely stressed when I try to make them...

  2. Blimey that's a lot first thing on a Wednesday morning!! Did you watch UC on Monday night? It was so good!

    1. Weren't they brilliant!! I feel a bit sorry for upcoming teams who will be up against them. I DO like Amol's style. Did you watch Inside the Factory - I think Paddy McGuinness is proving himself to be a very good presenter there


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