Friday, 24 January 2025

Measure Twice, Cut Once

I learned that phrase from my grandparents - Grandad's carpentry and Nan's dressmaking relied on accuracy when cutting materials. And if you cut something a bit short, then it is really hard to correct it, and you may end up having to buy another length of wood or fabric. 

Yesterday morning we took both cars to the garage [mine for MOT, his for service] and got the bus back home. Then I spread the dismantled curtains and the interlining out on the dining table. I was very conscious of the cost of the original curtains, and the cost of the interlining - and the need to take my time and do it properly. Ann in Scotland had wisely cautioned me against shortcuts, and the risk or errors - and of staring sat the curtains every night thinking 'I wish I'd...'

I worked really slowly, taking my time to measure, measure again, cut and pin. By 4.30pm, all the interlining pieces had their raw edges dealt with, and the two shorter curtains were pinned up ready for machining.
Then I walked to the garage and collected Bob's car. I was quite tired by this point, and decided it was not sensible to attempt any more sewing.
I pushed everything up to one end of the Dining Table so we could sit in comfort for our meal [beautifully prepared  by Bob]
The work will be completed today - it is not as if I can go anywhere - my car is still at the garage, waiting for the brakes to be fitted. And this afternoon I am having my cooker proferssionally cleaned. This is the first time ever I have paid someone else to clean it, but something spilled on the floor of the main oven, and I cannot shift it.
On the picture you can see my orange-handled Fiskars scissors, and beside them a black and grey object - my sharpener. This gadget is brilliant, and ensures you can start your project with razor sharp blades every time [details here] I love Fiskars products [I have their garden secateurs now as well!] and would award the sharpener a 5* recommendation. These are nearly 13 years old and as efficient now as they were on Day 1



  1. I have my oven cleaned professionally every few years and consider it money well spent. And I bought that gadget having read your original post about scissor sharpeners and consider that to be money well spent too!

  2. You are wise to measure twice and take your time. I always end up making mistakes because I tend to rush.

    1. That has often been my downfall too 😉

  3. I have Fiskars scissors aren't they the best? I haven't got a sharpener though so will check one out. I am sure you will make a grand job of the curtains, that maxim measure twice and cut once is a good one and my Gran used to say it when dressmaking. Hope you get your car back soon, brakes sound expensive. Regards Sue H

    1. Curtain project slow and steady, but looking good

  4. I think your curtains will be beautiful when the job's finished. Can't wait to see them hung up. Thanks for the tip about scissor sharpening. Nobody's going anywhere up here today. Red weather warning. Everyone's phones went off yesterday teatime with an alert from the UK and Scottish governments! Frightened the life out of me!Hope to make marmalade today so hopefully power stays on!

    1. Ireland and Scotland seem to have to the worst of it., Keep safe and warm

  5. Well done on giving up when you felt tired-that’s always when I make mistakes! Slow and steady wins the race. We have all our flasks filled with hot water, candles into holders and all the garden furniture away in the garage. The storm us now raging and I’m typing this while the internet is still with us! Catriona

    1. Wise preparations there C. Hope you and N dont have too much storm damage

  6. Yes, you were wise to not sew while tired. I really need to get a sharpener for my scissors. I have tended to just go out a purchase a new pair of scissors, but it seems silly now that I know they make a sharpener for them. I love my Fiskars scissors!

    1. The scissors are well made, so it is worth getting them sharpened. And so easy to do

  7. Having an oven or cooker professionally cleaned is almost as good as treating yourself to a brand new cooker. I would recommend it every time, they really do come up like new.

  8. I bought some Fiskars scissors last year - after I found my OH cutting up carpet with my trusty old dressmaking pair! It did not do the blades any good and the new ones are well hidden from someone looking for a handy pair of scissors for a DIY job!
    The sharpener looks like a good gadget and looking them up online not expensive either. I might treat myself...........(gone are the days when a treat would be a new hairdo or things change!)

    1. If you have good scissors, it is worth it to keep them that way. Mine have labels on saying FABRIC ONLY and PAPER SCISSORS

  9. My Gingher shears are kept in their original box with blade guard in place, and hidden away in a drawer with sewing supplies. I wouldn't want anyone to abuse them as I have had them for decades and they are great fabric scissors. There is a small card in the box with honing instructions but I have never sharpened them. If they need it, I will definitely enlist the help of DS, who is an expert with honing his woodworking tools and kitchen knives!

  10. That fiskars sharpener looks a really good investment. Adding to my wishlist!

  11. That fabric is amazing and I'm sure that you'll have a beautiful set of lined curtains at the end of it.

    Thanks for the tip about Fiskars and the sharpener. I'll have a look out.


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