Friday, 29 April 2011

May God Bless Them

God of all grace,
friend and companion,
look in favour on William and Catherine
and all who are made one in marriage.
In your love deepen their love
and strengthen their wills
to keep the promises they will make,
that they may continue
in life-long faithfulness to each other;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Remembering too my friend Kirstie, who is marrying Yoni today. God bless all those making their vows – and give them grace and strength to keep their marriages strong and happy.


  1. Great prayer, and yes, for all marrying today.

    It does us good to remember that beyond all the razzamatazz is a real couple making real promises. Thank you.

  2. Amen.

    I loved watching, her dress was stunning. So pretty and tasteful.


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