Friday 2 October 2015

Hat Trick

P1020301I mentioned the AgeUK/Innocent Smoothie Hat Campaign recently.

I’d got the remains of a couple of machine knitting cones [one blue fleck, one dandelion yellow] which I decided to use up, and a small amount of baby yarn [in a colour I can only describe as ‘custard powder’] So I kept these in a basket by the sofa, and have spent my evenings knitting.P1020302

I did some in one colour, some with stripes, some with two strands, and ‘fork pompoms’ on the top. No Smoothie to hand, these are modelled on a Gaviscon Bottle [quite appropriate for AgeUK!]


Here they are lined up at the top of the stairs ready to go off to the appeal. There are two dozen or so. Have you made any hats this year? Do post pictures of them on your blog!



  1. For fear of appearing childish, they remind me of minions!! And TARDIS BLUE y'know!x

  2. I've bought the wool! Yours look so sweet!

  3. Yes, I agree with Kezzie. They would look great keeping those Minion heads warm this Winter. They look really fiddly to do so good on you for making loads. It's such a great appeal. Thanks also, Angela for your lovely comment over at mine. It's ALWAYS grand to see you over there. Have a great weekend. x


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