Thursday 8 October 2015

It’s National Wool Week!

Well, it is if you live in the UK [excepting Shetland, who had it last week!] Discovering this event has left me with so many questions needing answers…Why do people celebrate it at different times around the world ? And how come Prince Charles is the Patron – can he knit? Does Camilla make him cable knit sweaters when they are staying up at chilly Balmoral ?Wool-Week-Date-2015

Tomorrow is Woolly Hat Day [having sent almost all our woolly hats off to Calais, perhaps I’ll wear the lovely blue beret Kezzie sent me]

Woolly Hat Day_blank_poster_A4_10032

I think I must have been on another planet recently, because this one almost passed me by completely. In my defence, all I can say is, I did help with the woolly blankets etc for Romania on Monday [thank you to all those lovely people who have contacted me about contributing to that project] and I have worked on two knitting bits…

P1020333I finally got round to sewing buttons on the BSJ I made in August.

As I am away this weekend, I have started a small knitting project [socks] to take with me if I have any spare time.


The sock pattern is the Web-of-Wool 2-needle one I have been using for years. I did start a 4-needle pattern, but got in a muddle, and decided it was easier to use a familiar pattern if I want to knit and chat at the same time!

These two projects are both in Shades of Grey – reflecting the rather grey weather we are experiencing this week


  1. No-one can pull the wool over your eyes...

  2. Thanks for the heads up! Ha ha! I've downloaded a couple of hat patterns & donated, it's nice to try a different pattern sometimes. I'm currently knitting a batch of woolly hats, some for homeless locally & some for the Seaman's Mission, I do like to knit for them from time to time - although often I knit for local charities & so don't need to pay postage. Just sent off my Innocent Smoothie hats. Knitting is so therapeutic. Vee x

  3. You do find some fascinating facts! I am well on the way with my collection of little woolly hats for bottles.


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