Wednesday 13 January 2021

"I Wouldn't Change It For Anything" Says Steph

Back in June, when George was less than four weeks old, Steph was asked to write a piece for the Huffington Post. Last week, they got back to her and requested a brief follow up to be part of an article where five mums who gave birth in lockdown were asked for a word of advice to pass on to other new mums. Steph said I can print her words as a guest post here... 


“Having a baby is scary at the best of times, but even more so in the midst of lockdown. I was informed I had Covid halfway through labour, which was terrifying, but despite my fears, the experience was wonderful. The midwives and nurses looked after me so well, and did everything to make me comfortable and safe and I still felt like I was their priority.

“At first I felt really angry that my time to meet other mums, or introduce my baby to friends and family had been taken away, but looking back now, I realise it’s given me such a great chance to get to know my little boy, and we’ve had time together that I wouldn’t change for anything. It’s tough right now, but try to enjoy the uninterrupted newborn cuddles. It’s all your baby needs from you!” –Steph, 36, from Manchester

Steph's back at work [from home] now, and Gary is on parental leave for 3 months. It's six months since we were all together - but it helps having the internet and WhatsApp. But yes, I am longing to visit, and excited to see him trying to climb the triangle his Grandad built him for Christmas


  1. She sounds like such a lovely, sensible person. It has been so tough on families, especially in circumstances such as this.
    A friend of mine has a granddaughter (likely her only grandchild) and she hasn't been able to cuddle her in nearly a year. They don't live far apart and have managed a few outdoor visits but at first the little one couldn't understand why grandma wouldn't hug her. I imagine it will be an adjustment for children as well once they can inter-act with others once again.
    The good thing is that she knows that grandma is on the iPad - and loves to chat and perform online (she is 2 1/2). At the moment she models her masks - by 3 she must be able to wear a mask so they practise with her every day now.
    I hope that it won't be too much longer before you can all be together properly.

  2. Lovely sentiments from Steph and certainly echoed here in this family from exactly the same time. I love when mine videocall me and the boychild recognises my face and voice and shows his joy with such exuberance (I got told off today for causing him such excitement whereas five minutes before the call, he was 'very calm'!!Not my fault he loves his Nana so much!Missing the human contact immensely and frustrated at not being able to just jump in the car and go visiting.

  3. I like her perspective on things; your daughters have the same positive outlook on life that you do. I, too, hope that you will be able to cuddle your grandson, soon.

  4. I wish I lived near you AND Steph! I like her very much from what you've told me of her (and her sending me best wishes etc). She's a testament to her lovely parents. I hope you get to see George soon!


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