Thursday, 22 August 2024

Inside Out And Upside Down

Like my backpack, when I got home from our day out and discovered  my drinks bottle had leaked! And of course there were a couple of hankies, some receipts and other items lying sodden at the bottom of the bag [six pens in various pockets] But IO&UD is just how I feel after a non stop day with Rosie & Jess

The men were busy so I took Liz and the girls over to Gressenhall Museum. [saving a lot of money by using our guest vouchers] It was a Wild Wednesday with lots of extra activities for younger children; Storytime, a Bug Hunt, making tea light holders, garden games outside the café and much more. Bob joined us at 1pm for a picnic and then we visited the school room and adventure playground. Then three exhausted adults enjoyed coffee outside the cafe whilst the girls played on the grass. Liz and Rosie went inside the Museum, and once Jess had built a castle for her princess game, she and I looked at the workhouse exhibits and dressed up. 
Back to Cornerstones with the girls, where there was a picnic  outside the dolls' house, and Cat In The Hat stories to read with Grandad. 
As the girls played I unpacked my bag and discovered the flood. Then Bob came in and we all sat down for a drink and a biscuit. Somehow a whole beaker of juice went over the rug. I grabbed a towel and we took off our shoes and did The Dance Of Joy on it, to absorb the moisture. [Hands up if you remember Kim and Aggie doing that] 
I love having the family round - but it's important to me to be laid back and not stress about disruption to my routine. Their games and conversations are so delightful. I always fall into bed very ready for sleep at the end of such a happy family day. 
By the way, I just got this great new book [I love Nick Butterworth] 
I am pleased to note that NB's gran not only sews and knows the secret of noughts and crosses, but also has a fondness for Breton striped garments. 


  1. Oh dear, glad to know that looking after grandchildren is not a walk in the park! I’m not at that stage in my life and perhaps never will be - who knows? I remember Nick Butterworth’s Percy the Park Keeper books, gentle stories set around the seasons. There is no doubt in my mind that you are a wonderful grandma - how long now until the beginning of term?! Sarah in Sussex

    1. Less than two weeks till term starts - Rosie into Yr 4 and George starting reception.

  2. Just reading about your adventures makes me feel tired but what a fun filled day. We have been with our great niece to Gressenhall when she was small she loved it especially the school. Dance of Joy such fun! Regards Sue H

    1. Gressenhall has greatly improved, particularly since covid. Which is good, because at £16 for adults and £14 for age 4 and over, you want to get your money's worth. Most of the people I chatted with yesterday had Museum Passes - for a family visiting Norfolk on holiday it's a huge outlay

  3. Mos Grannies love Breton tops! I've stopped counting mine!

  4. I love that the book is authored and illustrated by the same person-his style is similar to ORT. Ladies of a certain age like their breton tops-I have just aquired a gree one!! Catriona

    1. I resisted a green one in a CS last week!

  5. A lovely day out with your girls. It is exhausting with the energy of young children. I do like your comment about not stressing out about changes to your routine. So true. How expensive Gressenhall is now, but luckily you had museum passes. It costs so much to go anywhere now which makes it harder for poorer families.

    1. I applaud churches and councils and community groups which make holiday activities free or low cost. so that such children can benefit 😊

  6. It all sounds exhausting, but fun and it will be remembered by you all for a long time. You would have looked very good back in the day.

    1. A good memory stored up for cold winter days

  7. What a day, you certainly deserve a sit down with feet up 😀
    Alison in Wales x

  8. I love a breton top, I have several in different colours, long and short sleeved. Your Rosie and Jess sound like they had a good time with Grandma, we love our Iris to bits but we are always doing, building or sewing projects with her. We are still waiting for a moving date (sigh). Hugs Xx

    1. I passed on Iris' thanks to Rosie regarding Peanut Jones!! Hope moving date comes soon

  9. I think we would all agree that you are truly a wonderful Grandma! JanF

  10. We have had two of our grandchildren to stay since Sunday when we all met at our youngest son and Dil's house. Our two youngest grandaughters don't see each other too often and are real good pals, one was five in May, the other six in June. Fearne was sad when we left. Orlagh and her 10 year old brother are here until Sunday. I am thankful to the NHS for my two knee replacements as they are lively children so we have had an active week. So far we have not done the Dance of Joy, but there is time yet. Good old National Trust, especially as more are dog friendly. I agree routine does have to go out the window during visits and Grandad has to be patient playing board games, ha ha.

    1. Oh how lovely for the cousins to be together with you. I hope you and Grandad recover soon from your active week!! And yes, 👏👏👏 for friendly NT places

  11. Sadly two of my Breton tops (reversible Seasalt too!) are worn out. I've gone through at least one layer of jersey in several places and they've finally lost their shape. I lived in them for teaching; if I spilled my coffee or soup I could just turn them inside out! I've still got one reversible one left... but for how long, I wonder!

    1. I got a reversible Seasalt top from a CS last year, I love it!

  12. It's been rather hecticated here too what with school pick ups 3 times this week (the Glamorous Granny is away on her Med cruise) and my bestie's daughters visiting from NZ. I can't seem to catch up with myself but have promised myself a 'nothing' day on Saturday! I do miss having my granddaughters around all day though, now that they're back to school.

  13. Lovely to have friends around, and good that you can do the pickups ...but exhausting too!! Have fun 😘

  14. I think you are a wonderful grandma. Your grandchildren are blessed to have you in their lives.

  15. Making memories - the girls, and you and Bob will always remember these times with joy, and forget the messes!

  16. I'm exhausted just reading that!
    Your backpack reminded me of the first time I met you, at Connexion (although it may even have been the last year of the BMMWF). You had stepped in for an indisposed speaker, and told us about one of your girls returning from a backpacking trip, and finding a very elderly banana in her bag.
    Lynn P

    1. Wow, that was SO long ago, Lynn! New friends are great, old friends are precious


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