Tuesday 3 January 2012

Merry Berry Christmas

mb cakeFirst thing – the Mary Berry Christmas cake tasted great!

My niece Lucy made it, and the fruit was well distributed. The flavour was good – but I forgot to take a picture. Sorry.

Marion said the only downside was no cherries

Had she realised, she’d have got Lucy to mix some in.


Second – when Adrian, Marion and Lucy came for a meal on Sunday night, I made a simple cheesecake, using my new MB cookbook for inspiration. No processor here at Cornerstones though.

Consequently I smashed up the biscuits for the base by putting them in a bag and bashing it with a rolling pin. I had a flash of inspiration [why haven’t I thought of this before? ]

DSCF3034-to flatten the crumbs in the base of the tin, I turned the plastic bag inside out, put my hand inside, and pressed down hard. Much more effective than doing it with a spoon I thought

It looked really good when turned out! [Although I’d left it in the freezer too long. We had to delay dessert till it had thawed!]

Back to plain foods next week I think…







  1. I made the Mary Berry's christmas cake too, it was yummy! Although, my fruit mix to put in already strangely had cherries in. The cheesecake looks great and welldone for not letting the no processor stop you :)

  2. I saw one of those cakes and wondered what it would be like. Next year i might just give it a try! Happy new Year! Cx

  3. I hadn't made a Christmas cake for a few years but couldn't resist when I saw the Mary Berry kits reduced from £10 to £5 in Tesco. Then literally as it was in the oven baking my OH phoned from Tesco to say they now had a mountain of them for £3 each !!

    It was scrummy and in fact we had the very last slice today.


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