Saturday, 30 March 2013

Pope Hope

aquinasIt is said that the the­o­lo­gian Thomas Aquin­as once called on Pope Inno­cent II when the lat­ter was count­ing out a large sum of mo­ney. The Pope re­marked,

You see, Tho­mas, the church can no long­er say, Silver and gold have I none.”

Aquin­as re­plied, “True, ho­ly fa­ther, but nei­ther can she now say, Rise and walk.”

It strikes me that the decisions by Pope Francis to eschew the fancy red papal shoes, and to live in a smaller, simpler Vatican apartment suggests that this new Pontiff is serious about his commitment to getting back to the important issues. I hope this continues. Pray that he will be given strength on this path.


  1. Hi Angela. Your thoughts about the new pope are exactly what my husband Tony said to me. Hope you have a wonderful Easter.X

  2. And it was the first time that a Pope has washed a woman's feet on Maundy Thursday! and one was a Muslim!

  3. I agree.
    Simple is best.
    Happy Easter weekend, busy bee!


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