Tuesday, 19 January 2010

And All Because The Lady Loves...

cadbury brands

Here's hoping that Kraft realise what an important responsibility they have, now they have taken over Cadbury's, to maintain our important Chocolate Heritage. After all, Mackintosh's chocolate factory in Norwich, and Terry's chocolate factory in Bristol were both closed after takeovers. And they don't make Smarties in the UK anymore [or put them in proper tubes]

Cadbury's chocolate is wonderful [see here]

And I love their adverts as well as their chocolates

Only the crumbliest, flakiest women...

...let their bathwater run over the floor!


  1. It's far too sad, it really is. I can imagine jobs are going to be lost.

  2. Great article here for you, Angela!


  3. Fabulous article Floss, thanks!

  4. I hate to say it, but I don't trust Kraft at all. I find this all very distressing! The last thing you guys want is American-influenced chocolate ...



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