Thursday, 25 September 2014

Friends For Years To Come

Many schools use these fabric calendars to encourage children to learn the days of the week and the months – in both English and French [and I guess in other languages too]



The problem is, they only give you FIVE YEARS in the set – what do you do when you are coming to the end of the last year? Especially when the academic year starts in September, and you realise that in 4 months time you don’t have a “2015” ready and waiting?

P1000102Answer – you find someone [like me] with an izzy-whizzy embroidery machine, and get some more years sewn up. My machine can’t quite match the 2010 I was given as an exemplar- but it does pretty well I think.

If you are reading this blog and you have one of these calendars in your classroom, and need “2015” do email me, and I’ll send you one!


  1. Brilliant idea, & so well executed. I'm sure the makers expect people to shell out for another calendar. great work! Vee x

  2. Looks great, well done! Not many people would think to do it.

  3. So clever!!!!
    I don't have one but I'd love to embroider something with one! X

  4. I bought one of those calendars very cheaply during my teacher training for the very reason that the years with it had passed. I had intended to do as you have done and make some new years for it. I donated it to a charity shop when I had to give up the teaching dream. I hope someone bought it, made some new years for it and it's still going strong in a classroom somewhere!


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