Sunday 1 May 2022

Mending Our Broken World

On Easter Sunday, Rosie said she had chosen to wear her golden dress for church because it was very special and had a flower on it. She had forgotten that the flower was added last year to cover a hole. We talked about the importance mending broken things, and making them even more beautiful, rather than throwing them away. Our Postcard Project exchange each time always includes a tiny [flat!] gift - and I'd sent a length of this trim to Kirsten. K astutely noticed the flower had 12 petals.

She decided to turn one piece of trim into a clock. The hands are set at 8pm. Kirsten has joined those who have covenanted to pray for 1 minute each day at 8pm, for peace in Ukraine. This clock is stitched in the 'prayer corner' of the postcard - by the WDP logo and the Ukraine flag and sunflower.

Here's a prayer for peace shared by the Taizé community in France

Risen Christ, as we remain in silence before you, 
we let this ardent prayer rise up: 
may the firing of weapons in the land of Ukraine cease! 
Welcome into your love 
those who are dying from violence and war, 
console the families in mourning, 
support those who have had to take the road of exodus. 
Faced with incomprehensible suffering, 
we still believe that your words of love and peace will never pass. 
You gave your life on the cross and you opened a future for us, even beyond death. 
So we implore you: give us your peace. 
You are our hope.

At the end of the time of silence, the song Laudate omnes gentes was sung by all in the Ukrainian language
"Славіте всі народи / Slavite vsi narody". 
[Praise, all nations, Praise the Lord]


  1. I love how the piece of trim was turned into a clock!

  2. Such a clever and beautiful idea to turn the trim into a little clock, and such lovely stitching too.

  3. Lovely music and I sent the link to a friend whose family is Ukrainian.
    Love the clock and use of that pretty trim as well as the other embroidery.

    Hugs - Barbara Anne

  4. I wish we could mend the world as beautifully as the dress was mended. Good lesson — though — mending is a good thing. Praying at 8 p.m. I can do that.

  5. Making the trim into a clock is so creative. Thank you for sharing the prayer.


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