Monday 4 July 2022

Clip Clap!

Last year, when I blogged about George's "Porridge jumper" I mentioned the tin of clips I had recently bought myself.
These go by the name of 'knitting clips' 'quilting clips' and even 'wonder clips' 
I purchased them mainly because I am terrified of leaving a regular pin in a knitted baby garment after it has been sewn up!
Recently they have been useful in another context...
I have been making a playmat/bag as part of a birthday gift. One side is a water themed layout, and the other is plastic coated fabric. Stitching plasticised fabric is not the easiest activity. You cannot hold it together with pins because they leave permanent holes.
These clips have proved very useful - for knitting and sewing projects. I suspect "wonder clips" may prove to be a good name. So I applaud the person who devised them. Thankyou! 


  1. Hope we get to see the finished product!

  2. I use them for patchwork, they are so useful.

    1. Patchwork is on my to-do list... But other sewing jobs keep taking priority

  3. I have hundreds if these clips as I’m a quilter-big and small. i am for er giving them away to people who admire how handy they are. I also use them for stitching bags which may have fabric that marks. Don’t let Bob near them as I have lost many to the Shedman who seems to find them useful too. Happy sewing. Catriona

    1. Thanks for the idea!

    2. I suspect some may disappear into the Lathe Palace at some point...

  4. I have been known to use safety pins and the soft laundry pegs not necessarily for baby garments.

    1. Soft laundry pegs are so useful for many tasks!

  5. I like the clips too. I got a set several years ago in an English knitting magazine but when I started doing face masks in bulk, I got more. They are useful for most projects.

    1. Let us hope that we don't need mask making skills again

  6. I snagged a couple of boxes of these when they were in Aldi. They are so useful in all sorts of ways.

  7. Sounds like a very useful item to have! I don't have any, but, now I know what to ask for the next time someone asks me what I want for my birthday or Christmas! :D

    1. An ideal item for a "gift list" Bless. Useful, and not too expensive.


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