Monday, 3 June 2024

French Flora And Felt Fauna

On our first morning in Paris, we both wanted to go to Notre Dame. It was an easy journey on the Metro, and a brief walk from the station to the Cathedral. But on the way we stopped at the flower market. This beautiful little trading street has been here for over 150 years, the painting dates from 1880.[by Victor Gabriel Gilbert, famous for his Parisian scenes] But just ten years ago, when our late Queen was visiting France for the 70th D-Day Anniversary, the flower market was renamed. In honour of the esteem in which the French nation held her, the market became "Queen Elizabeth ll Flower Market. Here she is in June  2014 with Francoise Hollande.

On a sunny Thursday morning the sights were stunning, the perfume amazing. And the quality and colours of the blooms exquisite. We wandered slowly through, marvelling at the foliage and flowers. And 19thC light fixtures and fountains added to the beauty.

At the very end was a little shop selling tiny hanging decorations. Not all specifically Christmassy - but all delicately made, with wood, metal, beads and fabric. I was particularly taken with the little felt animals. 
I sketched some in my journal. I quite fancy the idea of making some little mice! It makes a change from birds.

I came back to Norfolk, and on Friday afternoon, I found this inspiring book in Dereham Library. A project for the autumn perhaps?


  1. What a lovely place to visit! I love the decorations so I await your output, based on these, with alacrity! Kx

    1. Don't hold your breath! Autumn I think

  2. Did you want to buy bunches and bunches of flowers?!

    1. I did, but there was nowhere to put them in the hotel room. And I didn't see how I could bring a plant home

  3. Mice
    I think mice
    Are rather nice.
    Their tails are long,
    Their faces small,
    They haven't any
    Chins at all.
    Their ears are pink,
    Their teeth are white,
    They run about
    The house at night.
    They nibble things
    They shouldn`t touch
    And no one seems
    To like them much
    But I think mice
    Are Nice
    by Rose Fyleman

    I look forward to seeing your little mice.
    ~ skye

    1. Such a great poem. Thank you Skye 🐭🐁🐀🐭

    2. Oh, oh, memories, that poem was set to music with percussion as a two-part song in a book I used to teach from; this was always the best half-term music project ever! Thank you for reminding me!

    3. 🎵 🐭🐁🎵🐀🐭🎵

  4. They are delightful. I do have a couple of mice decorations for Christmas, not quite as small or detailed I love them. I have a larger mouse from John Lewis. They named him Chris Mouse.

  5. The little mice are delightful! I do hope you make some. Love FD xx

    1. I'm beginning to wish I hadn't mentioned it. On the other hand , if I sold them in my online shop, it would help with dental bills

  6. The flower market and the little felt animals look wonderful!

  7. Those felt animals are very wantable!

  8. What a good book, love the rabbits as well as the mice. The flower market in Paris is splendid isn't it. That is a charming photo of Queen Elizabeth, I still find it hard to believe she is no longer with us. For Parisians to rename the flower market after her is a real honour of their regard for her, they can be rather aloof as a generalisation I find. Regards Sue H

    1. I know what you mean about EIIR - whevnever I hear on the news "The Queen attended so-and-so in place of King Charles" I still find it hard to picture Camilla! I can honestly say that we found all the Parisians we encountered very friendly and helpful, and had NO experience of 'aloof' behaviour altho people had warned us it might happen.

  9. Your readers know your excellent sewing skills and we are all are certain to be impressed but don't feel you must rush into producing the little felted ones just yet! JanF

  10. What a gorgeous place to visit-the photographs are stunning. I like hand stitching with felt and little mice are always popular for selling. 22C here today so I am currently indoors out of the sun. Catriona

    1. Overcast here, but pleasant enough to go outside for a bit of gardening

  11. How wonderful that the flower market has been going for 150 years and that you have walked through and enjoyed it just like the people in the painting! I hope you don't get too much "mouse pressure" now you have mentioned making them!

  12. Oh yes, Paris how wonderful. I also visited the flower market when I traveled to Paris with my daughter and grandchild... girls trip 2017... nice memories :-)) and so wonderfull.
    A hug for you.


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