Sunday, 8 December 2024

Advent 2 - Squares

There are quite a few square shaped things right now. Advent Calendars with little square windows or drawers or pockets. Square table napkins [some waiting to be folded into more elaborate shapes] And Christmas cards. Far fewer through the post these days, we've had 6 thus far, and five have been square shaped. One arrived on Friday, and it left me feeling so sad. It just said "Hazel". It's only a few weeks since my cousin lost her husband, and now after over 50 plus years of signing her cards with both their names, she is alone.
We miss these loved ones all year round, but especially at Christmas. On Thursday evening I went with Bob to Norwich Cathedral, for a service of reflection and remembrance organised by the Priscilla Bacon Hospice Charity.The Dean read a collect which spoke of "those who we have lived and cherished in this mortal life, and who we have placed into your tender hands" .and Helen the Hospice Chaplain lit the trees, "as we remember in thanksgiving those whom we have loved and see no longer, giving thanks for the love and time we shared, and the brightness they brought into our lives"
Christmas is hard for many people, I will look at Hazel's square card, and pray for all those who are sad in this season. 


  1. I leave people's names in my address lists and phone contacts long after they are gone... I can't bear to remove them. Christmas is a time for remembering.

  2. Those memories are so important. I always think of loved ones who are no longer with us but more so at this time of year, and miss them all over again but also it fills me with love and affection thankful to have known and loved them and surely that is what our lives should be about, love and thankfulness. Regards Sue H

  3. It's my neighbour's funeral on Tuesday. His wife popped a Xmas card through my door on Friday and of course her husband's name was missing, though she still has her son living with her so she added his name, as usual. It'll be odd leaving his name off their card from me this year.

  4. Holidays are when we most miss those who have left us, isn't it?

  5. I always associate Christmas joy with my Godmother Georgina and Leigh. It'll be the first Christmas without Leigh. That's v sad.

  6. The bereaved have been much on my mind and in my prayers recently as Christmas approaches, also the broken families. I think these grieve me even more than anything.


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