Friday 10 April 2009

Birthday Blessings


It's my birthday - so Bob went and got fresh croissants and I dug out the red French crockery and we celebrated with a leisurely breakfast. I have had some lovely cards and gifts and phonecalls, so it is a proving a good day [as well as being Good Friday]

I've managed to finish my notes for Sunday night's sermon [so will relax a bit now!]

I am not quite at my 400h post - but I have changed my Bible verse, and also updated the blog picture. I think I am a bit too old now to have a photo of myself as a toddler on Dad's motorbike! This new pic is the one taken by the school photographer last month.

Now it is lunchtime and then we are off to join the Anglicans for a Churches Together good Friday Service.


  1. Happy birthday, Angela! I hope you've been having a wonderful day. I like your new photo very much, but who knew you were only 25? Such wisdom and maturity for one so young in years...


  2. Happy Birthday! I hope you had a good time with the Leicestershire Anglicans.

  3. Happy Birthday and many wonderful adventures with the Lord in the coming year! Have a joyous Easter! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!

  4. Tres Bonne anniversaire Angela!
    Your photo is lovely.

  5. Thanks Everyone- I have had a lovely day
    I should say the photo was taken by a Very Competent Woman on one of my Good Days!

    Easter Blessings to you all.

  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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