Saturday, 24 September 2011

Danielle’s Wedding*


The weather was great, the bride looked lovely [but very nervous] People liked the service and the music and the flowers…so all was well. Thank you everyone for your kind comments on the previous post.

If you want to make your own ribbon flowers, they are selling Ribbon Masters on eBay [here] or you can go direct to the manufacturers [but you need a minimum order of 2000!]

*she married Luke – but the pictures I took of the couple didn’t come out at all well, so I am not posting them.


  1. The church looked lovely. I'm sure she was thrilled with the display. Well done Ang!

  2. It was the wedding flowers that made it! ;)
    x x x

  3. Thanks
    and congratulations on your wedding too,
    MRS fishcake!!


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