Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Sunday Was A Funday

The weather held – not too much wind, no heavy rain…people came and we had a good time. They sat on the sofa and chatted, the children came to the church tent for free Face Painting from Janet [and the adults for free Fair Trade coffee from Sue] Bob and Matty did a superb job on the sound system. Hayley organised a very popular football cage. Betty gave out hundreds of copies of ‘Inspire’ magazine. The Christian Motorbike guys were there. The worship team plus Bob and Tom led a great closing service. And all that was just the Churches Together input. Thanks to all on our team –especially to Sue who did so much preparation and planning and organising.

There was also lots of great food, steel band, dancing, Zumba, a George Formby Tribute, Dad’s Army, Scouts, Go-Karts… Here are some pictures of a lovely day


  1. Love the slide show- oh how impressive!

  2. Wow! Looks like a truly great day. Well done.

  3. A super day for you all. How was your hearing, hope it held up and you did lots of listening!

  4. You and Bob are FUN! I bet people cherish your good hearts and are thankful for the benefits your energy and enthusiasm bring to the fold!

  5. So glad it all went well, we were thinking of you.
    Jane x

  6. I love that "I will listen. Free Hugs." Lots of us just need someone to listen. :-)
    Looks like a great day!

  7. This just all looks so fantastic, Ang...

    I guess you realise how blessed you are to live in a country that lets you do all this - it would be well-nigh impossible in France.


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