I wondered how Ian Rankin would get Rebus out of retirement again, but he manages it very successfully. This book came out last year, so I am a little behind here. There was a Guardian review at the time [here] which I avoided reading, in case it was a spoiler. I have looked at it now, and can reveal it spoils nothing!
Rankin's grubby, grumpy, grizzled detective hasn't changed much - except he is noticeably older, and maybe a little wiser. I enjoyed it - but if you have never read any Rebus, do not start here - there are so many characters from the earlier books that you need that knowledge to make sense of things.
My second book was Remake It [Home} which I picked up in the Oxfam Bookshop in New Milton [OB's are usually real treasure troves, and worth seeking out] It describes itself as "The essential guide to resourceful living, with over 500 tricks, tips and inspirational designs"

It is crammed with pictures of household goods and furniture. Some are by artists and designers, created from scrap, or recycled/repurposed articles - such as pallets, ping-pong-balls, packaging and plumbing supplies. Others are items which you can make yourself, and clear diagrams and instructions are given. It begins with some useful history- covering the resourcefulness of the pioneers on the wagon trains across the prairie, the furoshiki cloths of Japan, the British WW2 Make Do And Mend ...right up to today's "IKEA hackers"...and all points in between. It is a fun read, even if you never create any of the projects, and there are some clever little jokes and puns sprinkled among the pages.
Use an old broom head as a storage rack for odd bits in the garage
Make bowls out of old coathangers, or melted plastic figurines
Here's how to make a plaited rag rug from old fabrics
Much of the book is about re-using and repurposing and avoiding waste. There are some multi-functional items too. I liked the Japanese umbrella stand with build in plant pot. As your brolly drains, it waters the plant.
I am not too sure about Tom Ballhatchet's gizmo though [what a name!] It is a paper shredder attached to the top of the hamster cage. As Hammy runs roundin his wheel, he makes his own bedding
The book cheered me up - I was feeling a bit glum, as I'd just had an email from Norwich. Due to an admin error made by one of the volunteers at the Exhibition, my teacosies did not get paid for, or collected, last week. I shall have to retrieve them from the organiser, next time I am at Cornerstones. Not that the sale would have netted a great fortune, but it had felt so good to know some people actually wanted to buy them!

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