There's something very satisfying about a morning spent sorting and tidying. Bob was in the garage working at the lathe- and I managed to fill a large box with stuff for the C.S.
I also filled a jiffy bag with unwanted jewellery for the Alzheimer's Society - unpartnered ear-rings, broken necklaces, damaged brooches- they can use them all to raise funds!

I rediscovered the new toothbrushes which I had mislaid before the holiday - just a few days after giving up and buying another pair. The first lot are now safely in the bathroom cabinet until needed. I have my regular dental check up next week. The surgery rang on Friday to say Mr P has gone part-time. Did I want to see him particularly? In which case it would not be until December. Or I could see Ms F-P instead, on the date booked. "That's fine" I said. "She does usually see Robert" replied the receptionist. For a moment, I thought "Who's Robert?" then realised she meant Bob! ['usually' is a bit of an exaggeration - he came back from his checkup in July, and said he had been surprised to see a different dentist, as he was expecting Mr P and it was a woman instead]
But there were some mildly frustrating moments too. Somehow the little bag with my holiday knitting has been sat upon - and the short plastic needles are now in many bits! I'll be explaining the holiday knitting project very soon.
I've never got on very well with plastic knitting needles. I much prefer good old fashioned metal ones as they are more likely so survive my children 😂
Snap! I've had the same issue with my dentist lately! I finally have clarified things with the receptionists that I book my appointments with him - and if he has to be out that day for any reason then I am to be notified ahead of time.