Sunday 17 June 2012

Magnetic Attraction

This is the latest edition of Magnet Magazine. Magnet magazine has existed since 1987. It was originally the main resource of the Women's Network of the Methodist Church, but has grown to provide resources and interest for all Christian people.


This month one of the contributors is


I was asked to write an article about blogging [how amazing!]


So here’s the double page spread on pages 13 & 14


Photos from the blog [the editor chose these]


And my final paragraph about Grace


I am still in shock at seeing my words in print, on actual paper [as opposed to the virtual world of Blogland]


  1. Wow. Mind you, amazing as it is to see you words in print and to see the whole article like that, I think the email that is quoted is even more of a 'WOW' and somehow I bet you think so too.

  2. This lovely, are you officially a celebrity now then?
    x x x

  3. I'm so happy for you! I'm pleased that non bloggers get to read what we bloggers enjoy every day.
    Jane x

  4. I remember Magnet! And I'm so pleased to see you in print - when I gave a talk about blogging to MOPS one of the mums said: 'Now I don't think blogging is all about weirdos any more'! Seems you've made an even more positive impact in Magnet...

  5. Oh this is fabulous! Well done!

  6. Indeed - well done Ang! It is great that others can enjoy your wit and wisdom, sense of fun and love of God.

  7. v, jvcjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj (that's a message from our kitten Bib, who walked on the keyboard!)
    I wanted to say congratulations on being featured, and how good it is that non bloggers can read your wit and wisdom and see you sense of fun and love of God.

  8. Well done!!
    How can I find out more about Magnet?

  9. Angela's contribution was much appreciated! I know as I commissioned her :) The Magnet website is here: We can also be found on Facebook -
    It's a Christian resource magazine specialising in colourful and meditative content. A subscription is available for £10 a year (three issues). Sample copies can be requested from the website - although please bear with any delays as we are currently going through some administrative changes!

    (Sorry, Ang - only just saw this post as was on holiday at the time!)

    L x


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