Wednesday 6 June 2012

The Rake’s Progress

The drive at Cornerstones is deep shingle, and it’s almost impossible to wheel the motorbike over it to park it in the garage – or to turn it around. So we got some stabiliser grids from B&Q [special Jubilee offer, 4 for the price of 3] late on Saturday evening. On Sunday night, we loaded them, plus tools, into the car.

Tuesday, the work began. First he raked back the gravel


I dashed back and forth between the TV [watching the goings on at St Paul’s and providing a running commentary] and the driveway.


I was concerned about the sun on Bob’s head, so fetched his hat [trimmed with Jubilee ribbon, you notice!] Together we rolled out the weed suppressant matting and clicked the grids into place.

As the Archbishop was in the pulpit, preaching, the Pastor was on his knees. I pulled out as many of the weeds as I could.


Then all the gravel had to be shovelled back, and raked over again. We worked on that together.

We have a long path to the garage, plus a spur to the left which will enable Bob to turn the bike round.

It did not take too long – and was completed DSCF3903before Adrian and Marion arrived for coffee.

In fact, you cannot tell the grid is under there – but it will make a significant difference next time we come down with the bike.

Bob’s pleased with a job well done.

Definitely a Man With Drive!

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea that you could buy this sort of matting. What a brilliant idea! Jx


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