Wednesday 27 June 2012

The Thrill Of What You Already Have #6

st andrews

Oh St Andrews! a lovely place… for some it means golf, for others it is the birthplace of Inspector Rebus, and for many [Like William & Kate] it is a fine University …

…but for me it means two splendid holidays in that region which has the glorious name of “The East Neuk OF Fife”. We went with the girls back in 1997, and on the Sunday afternoon drove along the coast through Crail [wonderful pottery], and Anstruther [fabulous fish and chip shop] to the fishing village of Pittenweem [very picturesque] and then down to St Monans [and the Salt Mill].

Because it was Sunday, I phoned Dad [from a callbox – no mobiles then!] “Oh Pittenweem!” he said “I used to preach at the Baptist Chapel there when I was a student. And they always gave me a generous preaching fee – so the next week I would treat your Mum to tea at Miss Cranston’s


And in the final week of our holiday, I bought my Dad two coasters showing the picturesque Pittenweem Harbour. And Bob bought me a pair of silver Rennie Mackintosh style ear-rings, and then he took me to the breathtakingly gorgeous Willow Tea Rooms [the men in my family are truly romantic!]


Now the coasters are either side of our bed, and I see mine each morning when I have my first cup of tea.

Happy, happy memories!


  1. Having been to St Andrews university for a 4 year degree in the Divinity department of St Mary's College, I have very fond memories of the town. We then moved inland to Cupar and lived there until 2000, and we often spent Sunday afternoons meandering about in the countryside and visiting those little villages you mention. Crail was a particular favourite as it had a huge car boot sale on an old airfield, and I often pick up items in the house, like duvet covers or table cloths and remember buying them on a blustery day at Crail - it was always windy there! Many trips to Anstruther fish shop too - we always took our visitors there for the experience whilst they were staying for a holiday. Thanks for reminding me!

  2. I was too young when we lived in that area to really appreciate it - I think I need to branch out a bit when I visit my dad in Edinburgh! Thanks for the Thrill post.

  3. I love Rennie Makintosh design, lucky you to have some earrings!
    Jane x

  4. My little sister lived in Pittenweem and just last year moved to's a beautiful the earrings. x


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