Tuesday 12 June 2012


In the UK, they are badges, in the US pins, and I think the French call them les pins [please Floss, or Dormouse, can you confirm or correct me there?]

DSCF3927I have two on my jacket this week. Top one – homemade [all my SATS pupils had them as Easter gifts] says

“Let’s eat Grandma

Let’s eat, Grandma

Good punctuation can save lives”

The other says “I’m a craftivist” and Liz gave it to me

badge back

You can find out about the Craftivist Collective here

I have loads of badges – many of them are on an old waistcoat, which has been worn in random ‘dressing-up’ situations.

The badges there date back many years- some even to student days in the 1970s. Others originally belonged to Liz and Steph.


I am very fond of the Be Alert one!

But Lakota has a great post today about something she spotted on Pinterest. Personally I avoid Pinterest like the plague – I just know I shall get totally distracted and lose hours of productive time – but here’s some of Lakota’s pictures…


lakotas badges

Left hand side £175 – right hand side, Lakota’s take on the idea. I have lots of round badges, lurking in my dressing table, or pinned in random places [one is inexplicably pinned inside my car roof, and says I Red heartBexhill…]

Maybe I should sort them all out and make a picture for my craft room [aka Steph’s bedroom]

Or maybe I should leave that as a future project, once all the other PhDs are completed? *

Right now I am off to London for a couple of days to see the girls, and deliver the final bag of Christmas Presents to my SIL in Surrey. Better late than never!

Do you collect badges?

How/where do you store/display them?

[*PhD is Project Half Done]


  1. Some hilarious badges there Angela, especially the 'eating grandma' one...........I'm afraid I don't own any badges, unless you count the sewn on ones on my old Brownie and Girl Guides uniforms...........interesting artwork though.

  2. I love the "Let's eat Grandma" pin! I have a very few pins. Most are old presidential election pins.


  3. My mother collected badges for a while. She has my dad's political campaign badges from his legislature days and one run for governor. They've always been good campaign supporters, so she has some very old presidential campaign buttons, too. I do like them and I call them buttons.
    Now, I don't think you'd waste too much time on Pinterest. I can look through fairly quickly and I like it when my friends choose things to pin that I adore,too. Kindred spirits and all that!

  4. Hi, Ang, they're 'les badges' in French. 'Les pins' means 'the pine trees', so I guess it wouldn't work so well, although the French do live with as many strangely contradictory words as we do in English...

    I don't collect badges but I used to be very proud of my 'I survived a Catholic School' badge! I like those hearts, though...

  5. One of mine is a camo background and says 'Welcome to Croydon'! A cushion or dressmaker's dummy might be a good place to display them too.

    Thanks for the mention x

  6. So Juan-les-Pins is really Juan-les-badges? :)

    I avoid badges like the plague, although I used to collect ski pins (when I still skied - and why do I feel there ought to be a double "i" in that word?). That pinny heart is very cute.

  7. Sorry to disagree Floss, but I've seen them for sale as "pins"... I know my french is fearsome bad, but I remember this ( mostly because I thought " doesn't pin mean pine?"!)

  8. I'm loving the badge picture, it's such a good idea.

    X x


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