Thursday 7 June 2012

Finding Fun #6

jessie-willcox-smith-good-housekeeping-august 1930

Carolyn’s final Fun, Fun, Fun was to be Rainy Days And Sunny Days. This Jubilee Weekend has certainly given us plenty of both!

Full marks to the Royal College of Chamber Music Choir for risking hypothermia to sing for the Queen on Sunday.

wet choir

Here’s another lovely Jessie Willcox Smith picture


But I live in hope – and have been practising this tongue twister

We Surely Shall See The Sun Shine Soon

Despite awful rainfall again on Wednesday, I am hoping things will dry up. And ‘drying up’ leads me to tea-towels. There are some which are just to spectacular to languish around damp dishes. Like this one – a Christmas gift.

It is covered in tongue twisters [the ‘sunshine’ one is printed in red, in the top right-hand quadrant]


Some of them are a little risqué, and probably should not be attempted in public .

But in the privacy of the Cornerstones kitchen, where the towel is now hanging, in a clip-frame, I can try these linguistic exercises to my heart’s content.


I might even try singing them…

Listen to the local yokel yodel!

We Surely Shall See The Sun Shine Soon


  1. Ugh, memories of Miss Willis the elocution teacher trilling "Rrrrred leather yellow leather, rrrrrred leather yellow leather, gals".
    Jane x

  2. The Paris Peripherique on a Huge Honda: Bravo! What is a mere tongue-twister to so intrepid a woman?

  3. I just couldn't help myself I had to give some of those a go, much to my hubbys amusement.
    x x x

  4. We surely shall! Would you like to try a tongue-twister in French?

    "Les chaussettes de l'archiduchesse sont-elles sèches? Archisèches!"


  5. How does the Archduchess keep her socks dry in such appalling rain? Do they have Hunter Wellies in Toulouse?


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