Thursday 14 June 2012

Prove You Are Not A Robot!


It was bad enough when the word verification was a silly word…then it was two words…then they added punctuation…and lately I have had numbers to recognise. But not clear numbers – oh no – these seem to be photographs of house numbers on front doors or brick walls, taken in the fog by someone with even fewer camera skills than me. Should have gone to Specsavers!


  1. Couldn't agree more. Driving me crazy. I have to Control + all the time to zoom in and even then it is not easy. I have turned my "prove you are a robot " off abd so far haven't had any trouble.

  2. Some of the recent ones I have come across have convinced me I must be a robot!

  3. I completely agree with you. I thought that my eye-sight was failing when I tried to work out the numbers in those silly pictures! Jx

  4. I know someone who had a captcha in Hebrew script - which of course he couldn't type on his computer! They are getting more and more ridiculous and are useless for anyone with sight problems. I think you can request an audio instead if you're unable to read them, but I dread to think what that would sound like...
    Lynn P

  5. I know! I'm very tired of it!

  6. Got rid of mine a long time ago. I have noticed that sometimes I can miss the number off completely and blogger accepts the comment, which begs the question "why is the number there?"
    Jane x

  7. I've turned off my captcha on my blog and will stick to good old fashioned monitering myself. It can be amusing though when I am offered certain services though lol
    x x x

  8. The numbers are definitely worse than the random combinations of letters. I'm forever having to press the refresh thing to get a new one as I can't make them out. I actually do need to go to Specsavers - I'm due for a sight test!

  9. Ah well, it makes life interesting and keeps us all guessing. Somewhere there's a little software gnome rubbing his bitty hands together and working out ever more refined ways to torture the middle-aged computer user.

    P.S. "Did you passed the exam" - ouch!

  10. Actually, I find the numbers easier! Not quite sure why... Anyway, the cartoon sounds just like the French History of Art Brevet for 15-year olds! I don't know how long that one will last, as it was a Sarkozy introduction.

    1. A Sarkozy Introduction sounds suspiciously like a Gove Initiative!!

  11. Perhaps Google has stocks in Spec savers.


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